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Table of Contents
Transactions in Directo are usually generated automatically as a result of the confirmation of the original document. If necessary, transactions can be created manually.
The register of transactions is located at Finance → Transactions
Directo allows to create both simple and compound sentences. One transaction can have 1 or many debit and credit sides. Transaction must be balanced (debit=credit), so that it can be saved.
1. Transaction buttons
1.1. Header buttons
- New - opens a new unfilled transaction.
- Save - saves transaction.
- Copy - makes a copy of the transaction. It means opens a new transaction with fields filled in the same way as the base transaction.
- Discard - the button is active when the entry is in draft status (an unsaved changes has been made to the transaction). After pressing the Discard button, the unsaved changes will be removed and the transaction will be in saved status.
- Delete - deletes the transaction. Asks in advance if you are sure you want to delete.
- Attachments - allows to attach files to the transaction.
- Mail - allows to send the transaction via email.
- Print - prints transaction.
- Open original - opens the original document. For example on transaction with type PUR, it opens purchase invoice.
- Periodize - periodizes the transaction.
- Create reverse transaction - creates new financial transaction based on the existing transaction, where debit and credit turnovers are switched. An “Reverse Transaction” with a reference to the original transaction is automatically placed to the description of the new financial transaction.
- Create minus transaction - creates new financial transaction based on the existing transaction, where the signs for the accounts turnovers are reversed. An “Minus Transaction” with a reference to the original transaction is automatically placed to the description of the new financial transaction.
1.2. Row buttons
- Copy selection - copies the selected rows to the copy buffer. To select rows, press on the row number. The button is not active if no rows are selected. Copied rows can be pasted from the row context menu (opens when you right-click on the line number) with “paste rows”.
- Delete selection - deletes the selected rows. To select rows, press on the row number. The button is not active if no rows are selected.
- Bulk insert - allows to fill/place rows based on a spreadsheet (mostly excel). The order in which the columns should be is listed in the HELP under the Bulk insert button.
- Paste recipe - to place a recipe.
- Split from Resource - divides the rows marked with the resource number (the resource must be verified) by the rows of the corresponding resource. The amount is divided by the quantities of resource rows. Object, project, customer, and vendor from the resourse rows are placed on the transactions rows.
2. Transaction fields
2.1. Header fields
The fields on transactions header are selectable and the locations can be changed from button .
- Type - indicates the type of transaction. Only FIN type of transactions can be created with the Add new button. In other cases, these are transactions from the subsystem, for example the type of entry that occurs when an invoice is confirmed is an INVOICE.
- Number - transactions number.
- Date - transactions date. Can be entered using the calendar by clicking on the calendar icon.
- Reference - location reference. For example, a sales invoice is created from location: Tartu, then a reference to Tartu appears in the invoice transaction.
- Description - explanation of the transaction.
- Debit - computational field. Total debit turnover for transaction rows.
- Credit - computational field. Total credit turnover for transaction rows.
- Difference - computational field. The difference between debit and credit. Transaction can be saved only if it is balanced and the difference is 0.
- Company - used in group consolidation bases.
2.2. Row fields
The columns of the table of financial transaction rows are selectable and the locations can be changed, you can read more about it from here.
- Account - financial account.
- Object - related object(s) in other words financial dimension(s).
- Project - project code. Used for linking to a specific project.
- Description - explanation of the row. Name of the account is entered here automatically when account is placed. If an account is entered later or needs to be changed, but description shouldn´t be overwritten with the account name, then
System settings> Purchase invoice and expense document account placing takes description always from account
should be set to no. - Debit - debet row amont. Double-clicking on the debit field will place the balance of the account on the row (with the time of the transaction).
- Credit - credit row amount. Double-clicking on the credit field balances the entry.
- VAT code - VAT code.
- Date - row date. If empty, the date of the header applies to the row.
- Customer - customer code.
- Supplier - vendor code.
- Resource - resource number. Must be filled to divide row with “Split from Resources” button.
- Cur. Debit - debit * rate.
- Cur. Credit - credit * rate.
- Currency - row currency.
- Rate - row currency rate. Placed automatically when placing the currency (if the currency and currency rate are in the base).
- Qty - row quantity.
3. Fine-tuning
Button on the right side of the header opens the fine-tuning settings.
- Currency rate by row date - if this setting is activated, the exchange rate is set according to the row date. If this setting is not activated, the rate is set according to the date in the header.
- Attachment preview - whether and where a preview of the attachment attached is displayed. Options are missing, right and bottom.