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Sales Ledger

Sales ledger is a report, that shows customers, invoices and balance reports in chosen time period. It is possible to export the information into Excel and the reports can be saved.

1. Filters and filter options


  • Customer - Customer’s code on Document (invoice or proceeding).
  • Orderer - Orderer’s code on Document (invoice or proceeding).
  • Both- Customer and Orderer both in the document (invoice or proceeding).
  • Customer salesman - invoices where customer is marked and whom client card has selected salesman.
  • Invoice salesman - shows invoices that have salesman marked on Document.
  • Account manager - shows invoices that have account manager marked on Document.
  • Reg No - Customer’s registration number.
  • Class - Customer’s class on the Document. Can be separated interval with colon. Also takes into account additional customer classes.
  • D account - Customer’s debt account on the invoice. The D account filter works with both a comma list (for example - 12000,12001) and an account selection (for example, 12000:14000).
  • Time - the time of report.
  • Object - invoices that have selected an object in Document.
  • PP account - Customer’s prepayment account.
  • Status - Status of the invoice.
  • Range - Document range.
  • Divide/Configure - distributes report summary overdue invoices sum by the temporal matter. E.g., divide by 3 x 7 shows expected proceedings for the last three and the next three weeks, based on payment term.
  • Type - invoice type
  • Currency - can be chosen currency e.g., invoices made with currency USD.
  • Customer Datafield - shows customers, who have been added a data field on the client card
  • Customer Datafield includes - searches according to the data field content.
  • Total - “total sums by” - Customer, Class, Country, Salesman, Account manager, Reg no.
  • Overlaps are possible - with this option only lines with prepayment and balance remain in the Total view
  • Sorted by - report can be sorted by conditions in the options - Customer code, Customer name, Invoice No, Invoice Time, Invoice due date.

2. Choices

  • Only prepayment invoices - shows invoices that have been marked as prepayment on article.
  • Only overdue - shows only these invoices that are unpaid and overdue.
  • By Transaction time - report shows invoices according to the invoice transaction time not invoice creating time.
  • Currency - besides balance currency is added to the report. By the prepayment currency and currency together and compared to current rate.
  • Customer data - report shows customers address, phone number, fax number and e-mail.
  • Invoice project - the project in the invoice header is displayed.
  • Invoice object - the object in the invoice header is displayed.
  • D account - Report shows debt account.
  • Orderer - Report shows Orderer on the invoice.
  • Show delivery name - report shows delivery name on the invoice.
  • Edit - can write and edit Customer internal comment.

:!: Write the text (or edit the text), leave the cell with the mouse, click on the coloured surface of the report and the text will be saved.

:!: If the right to change ´´customers´´ module is removed, the option to ´´edit´´ the sales ledger will disappear. If you have this right and the edit box is checked, can write a comment after the customer int comment in the report, which is saved automatically.

  • Invoice No - opens invoice
  • Customer code - opens customer card
  • To Pay - opens invoice balance
  • Prepayment - opens customer’s prepayment list

4. Fine tuning


  • Setting - possibility to choose personal settings.
  • Excel sheet (shortcut F12 or Alt+E) – options: with customer information (same as on the screen), as table (allows to combine data from columns).
  • Save report (shortcut Alt+A) - save report to your own menu with selected name.
  • Split label - choices: numbers, days



  • Customer datafield add the invoice receiver’s e-mail
  • Customer datafields - choose 3,6,9 (amount of the data fields in the report)
  • Currency - EUR (default)

5. Examples

5.1 Filtering options

5.1.1 Sales Ledger regular report with currency option:

5.1.2 Show only SEK and USD invoices – for this selection separate currency codes with commas without space „SEK,USD“. If you want to see only USD invoices then write „USD“


:!: Filtering with “comma” works also with Customer salesman/Invoice salesman.

5.1.3 Don’t show EUR and SEK invoices – for this selection use exclusion mark „!“ and add currency codes separated with commas. For example insert „!EUR,SEK“ and the report shows only USD invoices. If you want to exclude only SEK invoices, then insert „!SEK“


:!: Filtering with exclusion mark “!” and “comma” works also with Customer salesman/Invoice salesman.

5.1.4 Date added and Currency selection – gives the report a balance divided between currencies and calculates prepayments with the currency rate, unpaid payments and balance.


5.1.5 Date not added and currency selection – gives the report all the balance dividend between currencies and calculates prepayments with today’s currency rate, unpaid payments and balance.


5.2. Using the customer's internal comment

The customer's internal comment field has been added to the sales ledgers. It can be used as needed.

As an option, information on overdue invoices when customers are called or the customer's written answers to reminders are written here.

Often, long-term debtors are the same customers to whom reminders are sent and calls are made every week. The answers are mostly the same - “we expect to receive a large order ourselves”, etc.…). You can now see such information directly from the sales ledger.

5.2.1. Add a customer debt comment to sales ledgers:

Picture (9)

Also visible when grouped by customers.
Picture (10)
:!: If there is no change option, the user does not have the right to change the client card. Picture (11)

5.2.2. The customer's internal comment can be viewed without the possibility to change it.

Picture (12)

en/mr_aru_reskontro.1667297516.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/11/01 12:11 by triinp