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1. Settings

  • Master Settings
    • MANDATORY Master Settings→Sale settings→e-invoice sending is choosable on invoice - yes
    • MANDATORY Master Settings→Common settings
      • Company legal address
      • Company legal name
      • Company VAT no
    • Master Settings→Transport→Polish e-invoice (KSeF) sending delay in hours (0-24) - the interval of sending information to KSEF after invoice confirmation is:
      • if 0 or empty → 0-15 minutes (by default)
      • otherwise → hour in setting + (0 – 15) minutes (the value is specified without minutes)
      • if the setting Invoice datafield for external invoice number is used - the time is calculated from the latest confirmed invoice, where the value of the data field matches.
    • MANDATORY Master Settings→Transport→Polish e-invoice (KSeF) authentication token - generated token number from KSEF for integration
      • In KSEF Select the role to which the token is assigned added rights:
        • access invoices
        • issue invoices

  • Master Settings→Receipt settings→Invoice datafield for external invoice number - if invoice No. must be taken from sales invoice datafield - choose correct datafield with the invoice No. By default it is empty and document No. is from sales invoice header field Invoice
  • Common settings
    • Sales invoice dates in tags P_1 and P_6 are according to settings: SETTINGS → COMMON SETTINGS → TRANSPORT PARAMETERS:
      • CODE - DataWystawienia
      • TYPE - SAFT_JPK
        • In field PARAMETER 2 insert value 1 if information schould be:
          • DateP_1 (Description: Data wystawienia)
          • SentP_6 (Description: Data dokonania lub zakończenia dostawy towarów lub wykonania usługi)
        • In field PARAMETER 2 insert value 2 if information schould be:
          • DateP_6 (Description: Data dokonania lub zakończenia dostawy towarów lub wykonania usługi)
          • SentP_1 (Description: Data wystawienia)
        • If PARAMETER 2 is empty = 1 (by default)
  • Finance accounts
    • MANDATORY VAT code (Setting→Finance Settings→VAT codes)
      • VAT% (by default)
      • datafield KSEF Stawka podatku (code: KSEF_STAW_PODAT) if needed
  • Customer card:
    • MANDATORY Name
    • MANDATORY Street
    • MANDATORY Country
    • City (can be empty)
    • Postal code (can be empty)
    • Vat reg no - without country code, otherwise BRAK (can be empty) (:!: must be without country code)

2. Sending

2.1. Sending of the invoice

IF sales invoice should be sent to KSEF before confirming, checkbox in sales invoice document e-sending should be marked. :!: It will be marked automatically.

After confirm the invoice there will be mark: Waiting for electronic dispatching : KSEF-E-INVOICE 24.11.2023 11:25:14 and checkbox e-sending will not be marked.

When the invoice will be send to KSEF, mark will have KSEF document No: Electronically dispatched : KSEF-E-INVOICE 1111111111-20231127-0ACC7EDA1280-69 27.11.2023 8:12:01
KSEF No. 1111111111-20231127-0ACC7EDA1280-69

2.2. Errors

While confirming of the invoice, Directo check if there is correctly filled settings. If there is something incorrect - there is no possibility to confirm the invoice with checkbox e-sending. You will se an error message

For example, in the picture we see error message.
The error is in field AdresL1

In wiki part 3. Sales invoices tags you have to find AdresL1 field and check the setting according description:

Podmiot1Information about the seller
Adres/AdresL1Setting→Master Settings→Company legal address
Podmiot2Information about the buyer
Adres/AdresL1Customer fields: Street, City, Postal code

The errors of sending you may see in sales invoice document that has an error.

3. Sales invoices tags

KodFormularzaFA (2)
DataWytworzeniaFaCurrent date at time of sending
Podmiot1Information about the seller
DaneIdentyfikacyjne/NIPSetting→Master Settings→Common settings→Company VAT no
DaneIdentyfikacyjne/NazwaSetting→Master Settings→Common settings→Company legal name
Adres/KodKrajuSetting→Master Settings→Special→Country
Adres/AdresL1Setting→Master Settings→Company legal address
Podmiot2Information about the buyer
DaneIdentyfikacyjne/NIPIf in customer field Country code is PL and field Vat reg no is not empty or filed with value BRAK - customer field Vat reg no, otherwise - tag is not displayed (:!: must be without country code)
DaneIdentyfikacyjne/KodUEIf in customer field Country code is not PL and field Vat reg no is not empty or filed with value BRAK - customer field Country code, otherwise - tag is not displayed
DaneIdentyfikacyjne/NrVatUEIf tag DaneIdentyfikacyjne/KodUE is displayed, customer field Vat reg no, otherwise - tag is not displayed (:!: must be without country code)
DaneIdentyfikacyjne/BrakIDIf customer field Vat reg no is empty or filed with value BRAK - 1, otherwise - tag is not displayed
DaneIdentyfikacyjne/NazwaCustomer field Name
Adres/KodKrajuCustomer field Country
Adres/AdresL1Customer fields: Street, City, Postal code
KodWalutyInvoice header field Currency
Description: Data wystawienia, z zastrzeżeniem art. 106na ust. 1 ustawy
P_2According mastersettings Master Settings→Receipt settings→Invoice datafield for external invoice number selected datafield, if not selected from innvoice header field Invoice
Description: Data dokonania lub zakończenia dostawy towarów lub wykonania usługi lub data otrzymania zapłaty, o której mowa w art. 106b ust. 1 pkt 4 ustawy, o ile taka data jest określona i różni się od daty wystawienia faktury. Pole wypełnia się w przypadku, gdy dla wszystkich pozycji faktury data jest wspólna
P_13_1 Sum of invoice row fields Total where VAT code VAT% is 23% or 22%
P_14_1 Sum of invoice row differences of fields RS VAT - Total where VAT code VAT% is 23% or 22%
P_14_1W If invoice header field Currency is not PLN = P_14_1 value * invoice header field Rate, otherwise - tag is not displayed
P_13_2 Sum of invoice row fields Total where VAT code VAT% is 8% or 7%
P_14_2 Sum of invoice row differences of fields RS VAT - Total where VAT code VAT% is 8% or 7%
P_14_2W If invoice header field Currency is not PLN = P_14_2 value * invoice header field Rate, otherwise - tag is not displayed
P_13_3 Sum of invoice row fields Total where VAT code VAT% is 5%
P_14_3 Sum of invoice row differences of fields RS VAT - Total where VAT code VAT% is 5%
P_14_3W If invoice header field Currency is not PLN = P_14_2 value * invoice header field Rate, otherwise - tag is not displayed
P_13_4 Sum of invoice row fields Total where VAT code VAT% is 4% or 3%
P_14_4 Sum of invoice row differences of fields RS VAT - Total where VAT code VAT% is 4% or 3%
P_14_4W If invoice header field Currency is not PLN = P_14_4 value * invoice header field Rate, otherwise - tag is not displayed
P_13_6_1 Sum of invoice row fields Total where VAT code data field KSEF Stawka podatku (code: KSEF_STAW_PODAT) is set to 0%_KRAJOWE
P_13_6_2 Sum of invoice row fields Total where VAT code data field KSEF Stawka podatku (code: KSEF_STAW_PODAT) is set to 0%_WDT
P_13_6_3 Sum of invoice row fields Total where VAT code data field KSEF Stawka podatku (code: KSEF_STAW_PODAT) is set to 0%_EKSPORT
P_13_7 Sum of invoice row fields Total where VAT code data field KSEF Stawka podatku (code: KSEF_STAW_PODAT) is set to ZWOLNIENIE_Z_OPODATK
P_13_8 Sum of invoice row fields Total where VAT code data field KSEF Stawka podatku (code: KSEF_STAW_PODAT) is set to NP_WYLACZ_ART100UST1PKT4
P_13_9 Sum of invoice row fields Total where VAT code data field KSEF Stawka podatku (code: KSEF_STAW_PODAT) is set to NP_NA_ART100UST1PKT4
P_13_10 Sum of invoice row fields Total where VAT code data field KSEF Stawka podatku (code: KSEF_STAW_PODAT) is set to ODWROTNE_OBCIAZ
P_13_11 Sum of invoice row fields Total where VAT code data field KSEF Stawka podatku (code: KSEF_STAW_PODAT) is set to MARZA
P_15Invoice header field Total
Adnotacje/P_16If document is POS invoices - 1, otherwise - 2
Adnotacje/P_17Always 2
Description: W przypadku faktur, o których mowa w art. 106d ust. 1 ustawy - wyraz „samofakturowanie“ - 1; w przeciwnym przypadku - wartość 2
Adnotacje/P_18If at least in one row, the VAT code data field KSEF Stawka podatku (code: KSEF_STAW_PODAT) is value ODWROTNE_OBCIAZ - 1 , otherwise - 2
Description: W przypadku dostawy towarów lub wykonania usługi, dla których obowiązanym do rozliczenia podatku od wartości dodanej lub podatku o podobnym charakterze jest nabywca towaru lub usługi - wyrazy „odwrotne obciążenie“, należy podać wartość „1“, w przeciwnym przypadku - wartość „2“
Adnotacje/P_18AIf header field Total (with VAT) * header field Rate is more then 15 000 PLN - 1, otherwise - 2
Always 1
Description: Znacznik braku dostawy towarów lub świadczenia usług zwolnionych od podatku na podstawie art. 43 ust. 1, art. 113 ust. 1 i 9 ustawy albo przepisów wydanych na podstawie art. 82 ust. 3 ustawy lub na podstawie innych przepisów
Always 1
Description: Znacznik braku wewnątrzwspólnotowej dostawy nowych środków transportu
Adnotacje/P_23Always 2
W przypadku faktur wystawianych w procedurze uproszczonej przez drugiego w kolejności podatnika, o którym mowa w art. 135 ust. 1 pkt 4 lit. b i c oraz ust. 2, zawierającej adnotację, o której mowa w art. 136 ust. 1 pkt 1 i stwierdzenie, o którym mowa w art. 136 ust. 1 pkt 2 ustawy, należy podać wartość „1“, w przeciwnym przypadku - wartość „2“
Always 1
Description: Znacznik braku wystąpienia procedur marży, o których mowa w art. 119 lub art. 120 ustawy
RodzajFakturyKOR - if in sales invoice header field Total is negative and in header field Credited invoice is invoice No.
Otherwise - VAT
DaneFaKorygowanej:!: Tags are displayed if in tag RodzajFaktury value is KOR, otherwise - tags are not displayed
DaneFaKorygowanej/DataWystFaKorygowanejHeader field Credited invoice document field Date

:?: Tag displayed if in tag RodzajFaktury value is KOR
DaneFaKorygowanej/NrFaKorygowanejAccording mastersettings Master Settings→Receipt settings→Invoice datafield for external invoice number selected datafield from credited invoice, if not selected from header field Credited invoice

:?: Tag displayed if in tag RodzajFaktury value is KOR
DaneFaKorygowanej/NrKSeF1 if header field Credited invoice has KSEF No., otherwise - tag is not displayed

:?: Tag displayed if in tag RodzajFaktury value is KOR
DaneFaKorygowanej/NrKSeFFaKorygowanejIf tag NrKSeF is displayed - header field Credited invoice invoice KSEF No.

:?: Tag displayed if in tag RodzajFaktury value is KOR
DaneFaKorygowanej/NrKSeFN1 if header field Credited invoice does not have KSEF No., otherwise - tag is not displayed

:?: Tag displayed if in tag RodzajFaktury value is KOR
FaWierszInformation about items/services
FaWiersz/NrWierszaFaInvoice row No.
FaWiersz/P_7Invoice row field Description
FaWiersz/P_8AInvoice row field Unit
FaWiersz/P_8BInvoice row field Qty
FaWiersz/P_9AInvoice row field Net price
FaWiersz/P_11Invoice row field Total
FaWiersz/P_12Invoice row field VAT code field REVERSE VAT % if it is empty - VAT%
If invoice header field Currency is nor PLN - invoice header field Rate (format: 0.000000), otherwise - tag is not displayed
Invoice header field Due date
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