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Payment modes
Payment mode defines the method (e.g bank account) of payment or receipt
Code - code of the payment mode
Comment - name of the payment mode
Account - finance account of the payment mode
Type - by selecting „Equal“ payments/receipts can be confirmed only if the total sum is 0. E.g there are sums +100 and -100 on the document rows, which equals 0. Document can't be confimred if the sum is other than zero.
Bank account - Bank account number (IBAN) of the bank account connected to the payment mode
Bank account currency (SEPA XML output) - currency of the bank account, important to fill in when using gateway services and there is more than one payment mode created for this bank account
Bank account for fees (SEPA XML output) - this field is used when there is no possibility to take the fee from the debit account, beacause it's mirror account
Bank - selection of banks
Export type - Export type used with this payment mode, defines the structure of the output file. 18 (SEPA EST) is suitable choice in most cases
Export payments grouped - Mostly used on salary payments to group the payments. In case where „No“ is chosen, each payment will be created separately. Selection „Yes“ generates one grouped payment (there are several payments on one transaction)
Export channel - Important to choose when using gateway services
Export channel ID
Export channel contract
Object - object that is used with this payment mode
Project - project that is used with this payment mode
Service code - Specific field for importing payments (according to bank contract, not used by all banks)
Agreement code
Cust code
Locations - list of locations, where this payment mode can be used
Bank services - finance account of the bank account fees