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Item settings

  • Item added cost 1 - how many percentage is added to the base price to get price1
  • Item added cost 2 - how many percentage is added to the base price to get price2
  • Item added cost to purchase price to get sales price - how many percentage is added to the base price to get sales price
  • Item weight is calculated from packages - options No, Yes, Also volume
  • Item card has Price Formulas - options No/Yes
  • Item prices without VAT - options 0,4,8
  • Item w/o VAT Price 1 -
  • Item w/o VAT Price 2
  • Item w/o VAT Price 3 -
  • Item w/o VAT Price 4 -
  • Item w/o VAT Price 5 -
  • Item w/o VAT Price 6 -
  • Item w/o VAT Price 7 -
  • Item w/o VAT Price 8 -
  • Item addprice 1 name - suitable description for the price 1
  • Item addprice 2 name - suitable description for the price 2
  • Item Barcode own prefix - number field
  • Item addprice 3 name - suitable description for the price 3
  • Item addprice 4 name - suitable description for the price 4
  • Item class which defines default designable data fields -
  • Item card has Min/Max level tab - options No/Yes
  • Automatically close a replacement article - options No/Yes
  • Replacement article transactions are limited - options No/Yes
  • Paster filter: either by name or code - options Name, Code, Code start
  • Supplier Item Code can be used in Sales documents - options No, Yes and Name
  • Record is automatically added to Supplier items when user enters non existing supplier item and supplier on item card - options No/Yes
  • Item purchase price from receipt - No, Last purchase, Average
  • Weight unit - appears in brackets after the weight on the item
  • Weight unit kg Coefficient - if a unit other than kg is used, then multiple set units are kg
  • Customer stocks have Min/Max levels - options No/Yes
  • Concern item datafield - when updating the concern's item datafield, the content is copied to the subsidiaries as a description of the item
  • Item with stock level is possible to close - options No/Yes
  • Datafield for language - when placing an item on documents, the datafield with this content code is taken (if there is), whose parameter is the required language. Corresponding language description is included to the payment printout. The account description is used in the reports according to the language.
  • Datafield type for relating item and serial number datatypes movement -
  • Datafield type for relating item and serial number datatypes -
  • Unit of measurements -
  • Sale items languages -
  • Default item code length - if the field is filled, it warns if the code length differs from the recommendation, when creating a new article,
  • Bar code is unique - if not, allows saving the same barcode on several items
  • Type - the default value of the new item, kas 0 - service item or 1 - stock item
  • Items have Variants - options No/Yes
en/item_settings.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/17 15:22 by triinp

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