

Supplier is the supplier of goods or services. For example, purchase invoices, stock receipts and many other Directo documents or cards are associated with suppliers.

:!: The supplier register is separate from the Klientide registrist.

1. Suppliers register

The suppliers register is located in Purchase → DOCUMENTS → Suppliers

Clicking on the word Suppliers opens the register of suppliers:

Directo's supplier register stores suppliers contact information and other supplier-related attributes necessary for smooth operation. New suppliers are also added through the supplier register.

To open an existing suppliers card, click on the suppliers code in the register and to create a new one, press the button

In the first case, the existing suppliers card is opened for viewing and if the corresponding right exists, also for modification (Kasutajaõigused). In the second case, a blank card opens to enter a new suppliers data.

2. Suppliers card

The suppliers card stores the data of one supplier and the attributes necessary for Directo to work:

The suppliers card is divided into tabs: General info, Contacts, Bank Accounts, Actions, Changes, Automation, Transport.

1.1. General info

The General information tab stores the suppliers basic data and attributes. The meanings of the fields are as follows:

:!: Choosing correct supplier's type is important for generating the correct VAT report.

:?: Address fields will be filled in automatically if Business Register help is used when creating the supplier's card;



:!: Filling in the supplier's register code is important for generating the correct VAT report.
:?: If the register code field is filled in and the supplier's card is saved, the title of the field changes to a hyperlink and clicking on it may open given supplier's credit register page. Which service provider and with which options depends on the system setting External customer information request URL and your contract with the corresponding service provider.

:?: Previous fields will be filled in automatically if Business Register help is used when creating the supplier's card.

Default proceeder(s)

1.2. Bank Accounts

1.2.1. Fields

If the supplier has several bank accounts they can be managed in this tab.
:!: This part of the supplier card replaces the old solution, where different accounts were defined as supplier's data fields which code was set in the system settings.

:?: The previous fields serve the same purpose and behave in the same way as the corresponding fields on the supplier card front page.

The bank accounts in the Bank accounts tab can be mass imported separately in Table → Supplier's bank accounts.

1.2.1. Use

Bank accounts can be placed to the Account field on purchase invoice, ostutellimuse, payment and on väljavõtte documents. In addition to the described bank accounts, the placer also shows the account on the supplier's main page and its information. When placed on the purchase invoice, the corresponding Bank code is placed together with the bank account.
:?: Payment term class entered on the document is used as an additional filter on purchase invoice and purchase order documents, which allows to define the supplier's bank accounts options more narrowly.

1.3. Automation

There are two tables on the suppliers automation page.

The automation of supplier e-invoices.

After creating a purchase invoice from received e-invoice, the purchase invoice row supplement functionality i.e. Supplier's automation is applied automatically. The purpose of the supplier's automation is to enrich the purchase invoice liness information formed from the e-invoice in such a way that the user has as little work as possible in supplementing the invoice information and making the accounting document valid. This functionality also allows significant time savings, especially for multi-line purchase invoices (for example mobile phone invoices, etc.). Supplier automation allows to set up rules that look for a certain text segment in the e-invoice line and, upon detection, apply the desired account, objects, project and user to the line. In addition, there is a possibility that, together with a specific text section, some connection with the personnel register must also be valid, in order to identify the person/employee related to the invoice line and, based on this, to ensure that the above-mentioned fields are filled in.

If the e-invoice, received in Directo, is changed to a purchase invoice entry, the purchase invoice fields are filled in as if user would do it manually. For example, if supplier is placed on purchase invoice manually, then the SR account and VAT code from the supplier's card is also placed on the purchase invoice line. The same happens first when Directo creates a purchase invoice from an e-invoice. But it is important that the Content of the purchase invoice line is combined from the corresponding fields of the e-invoice line, i.e. a lot of important information is grouped in the Content, which is in text form. Once this part is done applies Supplier Automation. The supplier automation is largely based on searching for what is needed from the information gathered in the Content field of the purchase invoice line and acting accordingly.

1.3.1. Settings

Supplier automation is set up supplier-specific, i.e. separately for each supplier whose e-invoices it is desired (or makes sense) to apply. To describe the rules, it is helpful to open the e-invoice XML sent by a specific supplier to see what information the e-invoice contains. The e-invoice XML can be viewed by opening the Document transport window and pressing the XML button from there. The setting is done in the Automation tab of the corresponding supplier's card:

Rules are established through the fields Content, Item, Reference, Quantity, Row sum and Personnel and Account, VAT code, Object, Project, User, Item, Customer, Content, Finance recipe are fields that are applied if the rule is valid.

1.3.2. Operation

Suppliers automation takes the following steps and in the order described:

1. Firstly are applied these rules that are related to the Personnel sub-register Documents.

The purchase invoice lines are reviewed consecutively and checked whether the line:

For example, the Description of a purchase invoice created from an e-invoice is as follows: 95 miles; DateTime: 03.01.2018 16:40; Station: Circle K Laagri; Country: EE; Sum: 56.87 Gid:704483382122005476

The rules and personnel card work schematically as follows:

If a purchase invoice line to which applies both of the previous conditions is found, i.e. the Description contains both the Content of the rule and some Doc no from the Personnel sub-register Documents, which has the same type as shown in the given line in the Automation rules, then:

2. The rules related to the Personnel card sub-register Linked Persons are filled in next.

The purchase invoice lines are reviewed consecutively and checked whether the line:

If a purchase invoice line to which applies both of the previous conditions is found, i.e. the Description contains both the Content of the rule and some Name or Personal code from the Personnel sub-register Linked Persons, which has the same type as shown in the given line in the Automation rules, then:

3. The rules related to the Personnel card sub-register Assets are filled in next.

The purchase invoice lines are reviewed consecutively and checked whether the line:

If a purchase invoice line to which applies both of the previous conditions is found, i.e. the Description contains both the Content of the rule and some Comment or Asset from the Personnel sub-register Assets, which has the same type as shown in the given line in the Automation rules, then:

4. Rules related to searching only text, item, reference, quantity and sum content from the e-invoice line information are filled in. Rules where none of the Personnel and Finance Recipe lines are in use. The purchase invoice lines are reviewed consecutively and checked whether the line description contains the Content field description of some previous rule. In this case, the Content field of the rule must have some searchable text.

If a purchase invoice line to which applies the condition is found i.e. the Description of the purchase invoice line contains the Content of the rule, then:

:!: Every following step will NOT overwrite the previous result if the corresponding rule can be applied. Therefore, it is very important to make the rules thoughtfully and avoid controversial rules.

:!: If you create rules that apply to a row at the same moment, then rules are applied based on the order of the table, starting from the one above - if a row is „hit“ by several rules, only the first one is applied.

Example: E-invoice line contains the word “PETROL 95“

We create a rule where the word „PETROL 95“ is the Content in the first line (we set the account to 4444) and in the second line we use the so-called more general rule „PETROL“ (we set the account to 5555). As a result, all rows containing PETROL become account 5555, except when the row contains PETROL 95 - it becomes the account 4444 specified in the first line of the rule.

:?: By using the percent sign % in the Contents column, we can search for „whatever“. It is important to create such so-called general rules at the end of the table, because otherwise they would be applied first, and specific rules „wouldn't have time“ to be applied. In the case of the previous rule example, if you add % as the last line of the description and 3333 as the account, then the rules PETROL and PETROL 95 would be applied first in the purchase invoice to be created and for all the remaining lines (which do not contain PETROL and PETROL 95) account 3333 would be determined.

1.3.3. Examples Always to a specific account and automatic confirmation

The supplier's purchase invoices always go to the agreed account and are automatically confirmed. %-sign in the content field means „everything else“. The purchase invoice is confirmed only with a certain sum, otherwise it is not confirmed

A purchase invoice to be received on the basis of a permanent IT service contract, contract sum 150 euros per month. The purchase invoice is confirmed only if the purchase invoice line is exactly 150 euros. If the sum differs, the purchase invoice is created but not confirmed. The purchase invoice is confirmed if the sum falls within the specified range, otherwise it is not confirmed

The purchase invoice received under the IT contract, the contract sum varies slightly from month to month. The purchase invoice is confirmed only if the sum of the purchase invoice is between 150 - 160 euros. If the sum differs, the purchase invoice is created but not confirmed. The purchase invoice has multiple lines and contains various permanent services. The invoice is confirmed if they remain within certain sums, otherwise it is not confirmed

„IT service“ has to be exactly 200 euros and „Internet“ 300 euros, otherwise the invoice will not be confirmed. The purchase invoice has multiple lines and contains various permanent services. The invoice is confirmed if they fall within the range of specified sums, otherwise it is not confirmed

The sum of „IT service“ can be between 200 - 250 euros and „Internet“ between 300 - 350 euros, otherwise the invoice will not be confirmed.

If the invoice sums exceed the established rules, the invoice will not be approved, and in the Int comment column you will see a comment on the lines that caused the invoice not to be approved, which can be read in full using a speech bubble. Purchase invoice automatically confirmed under certain conditions

Directo's permanent service invoices need to be automatically confirmed, while additional service invoices need to be checked before confirmation. Add all permanent service articles on the purchase invoice to the automation. Instead of additional service articles, write '%' and do not tickle Confirm checkbox. By specifying the sum next to the item, the permanent service purchase invoice is confirmed only when the sum matches exactly with the specified content The purchase invoice has many lines, wish to receive a single-line purchase invoice

Only one purchase invoice line instead of all the Directo permanent services purchase invoice lines. Select „Document“ from the Group filter. Additional service invoices should be added as extra lines.

:!: In this example one line has a different object. It should be taken into account that when „Group“ is marked, the object of the first line is written on the document, i.e. a two-line purchase invoice is not made. Purchase invoice line grouping under certain conditions

For example, a purchase invoice from car service company, where are always 10-15 lines and all the actions are clearly described. Will need a one-line invoice with the explanation „car repair“. To the content field should be written „car repair“. Select „Document“ from the Group filter and tickle Confirm checkbox. Multi-line invoice where some lines are filtered by sums

A multi-line invoice, where fixed services (full IT service and Internet) are posted in separate lines, but the lines of smaller sums(marked with %), if they fall between 1-20 euros, are grouped to the account with the content „Small services“ and the invoice is confirmed. If the invoice also has sums that go beyond these rules, the invoice will not be confirmed.

Supplier automation:

Sample invoice lines:

The transaction is like this, but the invoice is not confirmed, because the „Additional service“ in the sum of 300 euros on the last row exceeds the limits established by the rules. How can I add leasing invoices to automation?

The leasing company sends e-invoices where each customer has the same reference number and line explanation on the invoices. Vehicles could be identified with automation if using the contract number field.

  1. Write „Interest“ and „Installment“ to the field Content in the different lines and fill in the Fields, which are filled in if the rules match on all leasing contract purchase invoices.
  2. Write a leasing contract number to the field Content in a separate line and fill in the line fields, which are filled in differently depending on the match of the rules. An invoice where some rows need to be grouped and parts need to be shown row by row and confirm

A multi-row invoice that requires more complex automation for correct posting and automatic confirmation:

Sample invoice:

How to describe supplier automation for posting such an invoice:


In the internal comment column, on the rows that caused the invoice not to be confirmed, you will see a comment that can be read in its entirety using a speech bubble. The lines of the invoice are in blocks, where each block has an intermediate line with the reference number of the corresponding contract

The invoice contains the same products, but according to the reference number of the contract, they must be posted for specific objects.

Sample invoice PDF:

How to describe supplier automation for posting such an invoice:


1.4. Transport

When creating purchase invoices:

Notification e-mail when document arrives - e-mail address to which the notification will be sent when the e-invoice from the given supplier is received. Affects EDI e-invoice interfaces;
What user is used when new documents are created from input files - user code, which is automatically assigned to the User field on the imported e-invoice (Purchase invoice) sent by this supplier;
What object is used when new documents are created from input files - object code, which is automatically assigned to the Object field on the imported e-invoice (purchase invoice) sent by this supplier;
Text for item field, when input document item is not found - the possibility to add a replacement article for the situation where the article is missing, for example FAKE etc. By default is marked (none);
What range is used when new documents are created from input files - number series assigned by default to the import purchase invoice sent by this supplier. After import, it can be exchanged if necessary on the purchase invoice. If the series is not filled here, an attempt is made to identify the series by the creation time;
Account for grouping incoming purchase invoice rows - financial account, where all the the e-invoice lines of this supplier are grouped on the purchase invoice, ignoring the lines sent with the e-invoice and creating a single-line purchase invoice. For example, if the supplier sent an invoice with 5 lines, these lines are grouped (summed) into one for the Purchase invoice created from the e-invoice, and the line has the account specified here;
Automatically generated document after e-invoice arriving - options Purchase invoice/Stock Receipt. With this setting, you can determine which document is created automatically from the received e-invoice. It means if the given supplier's e-invoice arrives in the Documents transport register, the document specified here is automatically created from the e-invoice. It allows to conveniently convert e-invoices into documents if the supplier always sends the same type of documents and does not have to do this manually by one e-invoice;

Directost Directosse transport