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en:kassat [2021/12/06 16:25] – created mariliisen:kassat [2021/12/13 14:24] (current) – [Payment modes] mariliis
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 ======Payment modes====== ======Payment modes======
-Tasumisviisiga määratakse ostu poolel hankijale arve tasumise viis (näiteks pangakonto) ning müügi poolel kajastatakse kliendi arve tasumise viisi+Payment mode defines the method (e.g bank account) of payment or receipt
 **Code** - code of the payment mode  \\ **Code** - code of the payment mode  \\
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 **Bank account for fees (SEPA XML output)** - this field is used when there is no possibility to take the fee from the debit account, beacause it's mirror account\\ **Bank account for fees (SEPA XML output)** - this field is used when there is no possibility to take the fee from the debit account, beacause it's mirror account\\
-**Bank** - selection \\+**Bank** - selection of banks  \\
 **Export type** - Export type used with this payment mode, defines the structure of the output file. 18 (SEPA EST) is suitable choice in most cases \\ **Export type** - Export type used with this payment mode, defines the structure of the output file. 18 (SEPA EST) is suitable choice in most cases \\
-**Export payments grouped** - Mostly used on salary payments to group the payments. In case when "No" is chosen, each payment will be created separately. Kui valik on määratud "Ei", siis luuakse pangas iga makse eraldi. Selection "Yes" generates one grouped payment (there are several payments on one transaction)\\+**Export payments grouped** - Mostly used on salary payments to group the payments. In case where "No" is chosen, each payment will be created separately. Selection "Yes" generates one grouped payment (there are several payments on one transaction)\\
 **Export channel** - Important to choose when using gateway services  \\ **Export channel** - Important to choose when using gateway services  \\
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 **Export channel ID**\\ **Export channel ID**\\
-***Export channel contract**\\+**Export channel contract**\\
-**Object** - Tasumisviisi kasutamisel kaasa tulev objekt\\+**Object** - object that is used with this payment mode\\
-**Project** - Tasumisviisi kasutamisel kaasa tulev projekt\\+**Project** - project that is used with this payment mode\\
-**Service code**\\+**Service code** - Specific field for importing payments (according to bank contract, not used by all banks) \\
 **Agreement code**\\ **Agreement code**\\
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 **Cust code**\\ **Cust code**\\
-**Locations** - kohtade loetelukus konkreetset tasumisviisi kasutada saab\\+**Locations** - list of locationswhere this payment mode can be used\\
-**Bank services** - pangateenuste finantskonto\\+**Bank services** - finance account of the bank account fees\\
 ==== Examples ==== ==== Examples ====
en/kassat.1638800749.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/12/06 16:25 by mariliis

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