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en:eelarve [2021/12/15 15:33] – [Creating a financial budget for the entire period at once] evelinten:eelarve [2022/09/22 11:20] (current) triinp
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-FIXME **This page is not fully translated, yet. Please help completing the translation.**\\ //(remove this paragraph once the translation is finished)// 
 ====== Budget ====== ====== Budget ======
Line 7: Line 5:
 ''FINANCE > Settings > Budgets'' ''FINANCE > Settings > Budgets''
-Financial budget can be created in Directo or by using Bulk import button to add rows from Excel. The budgets created can be seen on the Balance and Income Statement reports. Different budgets can be compared with each other and with actual results.+Financial budget can be created in Directo or by using Bulk import button to add rows from Excel. Created budgets can be viewed on the Balance and Income Statement reports. Different budgets can be compared with each other and with actual results. \\ 
 +It is possible to create different budgets for one financial year, using different budget types. 
 +  * optimistic 
 +  * realistic 
 +  * pessimistic 
 +  * with an additional project 
 +  * etc
-==== Settings ==== 
-{{:et:evelint20211215-151452.png}}+===== 1Settings =====
-Default budget type can be added in the system settings. When a new budget is created, the type is filled in from this setting, if the setting is filled. It can be overwritten.  +''System settings - Default Budget Type'' . When a new budget is created,  
-==== Document fields ====+the type is filled with the given option, if the setting is filled. It can be overwritten.
-{{:et:evelint20211215-151756.png}} +{{:et:triinp20220920-162003.png}} 
-  ***Type** - budget type.  Filled in from settings, if the default setting is filledType can be changed later+ 
-  ***Number** - budgets number according to the financial series+  
 +===== 2. Document buttons ===== 
 +==== 2.1. Header buttons ==== 
 +  * **New** - opens a new unfilled budget 
 +  * **Save** - saves budget 
 +  * **Copy** - makes a copy of the budget. It means opens a new budget with fields filled in the same way as the base budget. 
 +  * **Discard** - the button is active when the entry is in draft status (an unsaved changes has been made to the budget). After pressing the Discard button, the unsaved changes will be removed and the budget will be in saved status. 
 +  * **Delete** - deletes the budget. Asks in advance if you are sure you want to delete. 
 +  * **Attachments** - allows to attach files to the budget. 
 +  * **Mail** - allows to send the budget via email. 
 +  * **Print** - prints budget 
 +  * **Split budgets** - split the budget over a pre-selected period 
 +==== 2.2. Row buttons ==== 
 +  * **Copy selection** - copies the selected rows to the copy buffer. To select rows, press on the row number. The button is not active if no rows are selected. Copied rows can be pasted from the row context menu (opens when you right-click on the line number) with "paste rows"
 +  * **Delete selection** - deletes the selected rows. To select rowspress on the row number. The button is not active if no rows are selected. 
 +  * **Bulk insert** - allows to fill/place rows based on a spreadsheet (mostly excel). The order in which the columns should be is listed in the HELP under the Bulk insert button. 
 +  * **Paste recipe** - to place a recipe 
 +  * {{:et:triinp20220629-130606.png}} - these buttons affect the height of the rows. 
 +  * {{:et:triinp20220629-130635.png}} - for exporting table or selected rows to Excel. 
 +  * {{:et:triinp20220629-130708.png}} - from this button transaction row fields can be selected and unselectedOnly selected fields are displayed on transaction. 
 +===== 3. Document fields ===== 
 +==== 3.1. Header fields ==== 
 +  ***Number** - document number according to the financial series 
 +  ***Type** - document type. Filled in from settings, if the default setting is filled. Type can be changed later.
   ***Date** - date   ***Date** - date
   ***Reference** - specifying option   ***Reference** - specifying option
   ***Description** - comment field   ***Description** - comment field
-  ***Turnover D**  - budget debit turnover +  ***Debit**  - budget debit turnover 
-  ***Turnover K** - budget credit turnover+  ***Credit** - budget credit turnover
   ***Difference** - budget debit and credit turnover difference   ***Difference** - budget debit and credit turnover difference
-  ***default object, project, customer, supplier** - by filling these default options, the same options are placed on all budger lines 
-==== Creating a financial budget ==== 
 +==== 3.2. Default fields ====
-A new document is entered for budget, where desired rows are added. Financial budget is entered by accounts. If a budget is created based on objects and/or projects, then accounts are entered on a seperate line for each object. Budget can be made for the whole year and split into months or made on a monthly basis. In this case, a seperate budget document will be entered for each month, where the first date of the month is entered in the Time field (this makes it possible to make a comparison with the budget on a daily basis). Type connects budgets together, for example all the budget documents for the same year should have the same type.  However, several budgets can be made for one year allso, for example optimistic and pessimistic, in this case their types should be different (different types for optimistic and pessimistic), otherwise they will all be added together. When making a supplementary budget, it should be with the same type. 
 +**Intended to help fill in the budget lines. Does not affect previously placed rows.**
 +Default object, project, client, costumer - by marking the fields, the same options are placed on the following budget lines when placing an account. By changing the options in the header will place the changed options, when placing the account on the next new line.
 +==== 3.3. Row fields ====
 +  * **Account** - financial account
 +  * **Object** - related object(s)
 +  * **Description** - explanation of the row. Account name is entered here automatically when account is placed. 
 +  * **Debit** - debit row sum 
 +  * **Credit** - credit row sum  
 +  * **VAT code** - VAT code
 +  * **Currency**- row currency
 +  * **Cur. Debit** - debit sum in the selected currency  
 +  * **Cur. Credit** - credit sum in the selected currency 
 +  * **Rate** - row currency rate. Placed automatically when placing the currency (if the currency and currency rate are in the base). By default, the header date will be the central bank rate. It is possible to overwrite the rate.
 +  * **Project** - project code. Used for linking to a specific project.
 +  * **Customer** - customer code
 +  * **Supplier** - supplier code
 +  * **Quantity** - row quantity
-=== Creating a financial budget for the entire period at once === 
-  * **Entering full year budget in the the budget document** 
-{{:et:evelint20211215-152554.png}}+===== 4. Creating a financial budget ===== 
 +A new document is entered for budget, where desired rows are added. Financial budget is entered by accounts. If a budget is created based on objects and/or projects, then accounts are entered on a separate line for each object. Budget can be made for the whole year and split into months or made on a monthly basis. In this case, a separate budget document will be entered for each month, where the first date of the month is entered in the **Time** field (this makes it possible to make a comparison with the budget on a daily basis). **Type** connects budgets together, for example all the budget documents for the same year should have the same type.  However, several budgets can be made for one year also, for example optimistic and pessimistic, in this case their types should be different (different types for optimistic and pessimistic), otherwise they will all be added together. When making a supplementary budget, it should be with the same type. 
 +==== 4.1. Creating a financial budget for the entire period at once ==== 
 +  * **Entering full year budget in the budget document** 
   * **After pressing Split Budgets button a window opens, where a period should be entered between which the amounts must be divided**   * **After pressing Split Budgets button a window opens, where a period should be entered between which the amounts must be divided**
   ***Range** - financial series from which transaction numbers are formed.    ***Range** - financial series from which transaction numbers are formed. 
   ***Description** - text field, will be added in the description field.   ***Description** - text field, will be added in the description field.
Line 58: Line 120:
   ***Object** - for example object TALLINN - selects all lines from the budget that have used this object.    ***Object** - for example object TALLINN - selects all lines from the budget that have used this object. 
   ***Forward** - divides the budget according to the parameters indicated above.   ***Forward** - divides the budget according to the parameters indicated above.
- +  ***The exact amounts for each month will be entered in the budget split window**
- +
-  * **The exact amounts for each month will be entered in the budget split window**+
 All amounts are initially in the period of the original budget document. By right-clicking in the amount field, you can choose how the amount will be distributed from the window that opens.  All amounts are initially in the period of the original budget document. By right-clicking in the amount field, you can choose how the amount will be distributed from the window that opens. 
   ***Spread apart** – divides the amount in this field equally for all periods.   ***Spread apart** – divides the amount in this field equally for all periods.
Line 70: Line 130:
   ***On sum field - Spread as add on** - By right-clicking on the amount field, it is possible to divide the additional amount into periods.   ***On sum field - Spread as add on** - By right-clicking on the amount field, it is possible to divide the additional amount into periods.
-Example: The amount in the sum field Spread as add on divides the amount added by each month. +Example: The amount in the sum field **Spread as add on** divides the amount added by each month. 
-{{:et:evelint20211215-153351.png}} +{{:et:triinp20220922-104429.png}} 
-{{:et:jane20211126-123009.png}} +{{:et:triinp20220922-104631.png}} 
 +Numbers in all fields can be changed. It is also possible to change objects, projects, customer and supplier codes on all lines.
- +{{:et:triinp20220922-104849.png}}
-Numbers in all fields can be changed. It is also possible to change objects, projects, customer and vendor codes on all lines. +
 When the desired result is reached, the Create Budget button creates a budget document for each period. When the desired result is reached, the Create Budget button creates a budget document for each period.
-Budgets may or may not be confirmed.+{{:et:triinp20220922-104919.png}}
 +Budgets can be confirmed. Confirmation is optional.
-==== Deleting financial budget ==== 
-When creating budgets, there are situations where some budgets need to be deleted. You can delete selected budgets at once with the **DELETE ALL FILTERED RECORDS** button.  
-:!:  **DELETE ALL FILTERED RECORDS** button is available for users who have modification right for "Bulk-delete on documents browser" in user rights.+===== 5Creating a budget from the income statement =====
-{{:et:evelint20211215-151258.png}}+Creates next year's budgets from the income statement.
-Select the budgets you want to delete with the filtersOnly the budgets in the list of filtered budgets will be deleted. +==== 5.1. Settings ==== 
 +**Fine-tuning the income statement** 
-{{:et:evelint20211215-150751.png}}+  ***Budget creationMonths added to the period** - (1, 2 ..., 12). Fine tuning is set to 12 by default. 
 +  ***Budget creationtype** enter the code with which the budgets are created. If the code is not filled in, the **Create budget** button will not appear on the income statement. Brings a new //Create Budgets// button to the right of the //Report// button in the Income Statement.
-:!: It is possible to use several filters. While working with budgets, e.g. In the explanation box, write a word that makes it easy to filter and, if necessary, delete after. 
-==== Financial Budget reporting ===== 
-The function of comparing the periods of the income statement is used to control the filling of the financial budget. It is possible to compare up to twelve different periods at a time. There are three periods in the options, but you can add them using the + button next to the last available period filter. 
-It is also possible to turn on the display of the percentage difference under fine-tuning and set the percentage of decimal places.+==== 5.2. Rules ====
-{{:et:evelint20211215-150112.png}}+  *When creating the report, the **Split objects** check mark is taken into account. If selected, budgets are created by object.\\ 
 +  *Budget lines are **not** created for **closed objects** 
 +  *Income statement description is taken into account, including accounts and objects 
 +  *Created **on the first date of the period** (1.1.2023 for January 2023) 
 +  *The first budget is created from the period in the income statement **beginning of the next free month** 
 +  ***Budget** can`t be created from budget  
 +:!If a budget has already been created in the period, a Warning will appear
 +A budget of the selected type has already been created in the periodAdding to existing?"
-The source for the different period numbers can be actual financial entries or budget entries with a specific code. The difference between the amounts of the periods can be viewed from the perspective of difference or performance. To do this, next to the period, you need to choose which other period the data will be compared with and determine how the financial and percentage difference is calculated.+===== 6. Deleting financial budget =====
-Example: A budget with CONSTRUCTION type has been prepared for year 2021 where 500 euros sales revenue is forcasted in Estonia and 1000 euros for exportsIn reality the earning are 750 euros in Estonia and 2000 euros in export markets. +When creating budgets, there are situations where some budgets need to be deletedYou can delete selected budgets at once with the **DELETE ALL FILTERED RECORDS** button
-The results of the reports with different options are as follows.+
-  - Option F-- {{:et:mrtn20200617-124748.png}} Revenue is 1250 euros higher than in the budget, so the budget is 183.33% filled. +:! **DELETE ALL FILTERED RECORDS** button is available for users who have modification right for "Bulk-delete on documents browser" in user rights.
-  Option F-+ {{:et:mrtn20200617-125410.png}} Revenue is 1250 euros higher than in the budget, so the budget is 54.55% of revenue. +
-  - Option F++ {{:et:mrtn20200617-125605.png}} Budget is 1250 euros lower than the actual revenue and makes 54.44% of it. +
-  - Option F+- {{:et:mrtn20200617-125723.png}} Budget is 1250 eurose lower than the actual revenue, so the budget is 183.33% filled.  +
-  - Option D-- {{:et:mrtn20200617-130110.png}} Revenue exceeds the budget by 1250 euros or 83.33% +
-  - Option D-+ {{:et:mrtn20200617-130242.png}} Revenue exceeds the budget by 1250 euros and the budget is 45.45% less than the revenue. +
-  - Option D++ {{:et:mrtn20200617-130406.png}} Budget is 1250 euros and 45.45% lower than the actual revenue. +
-  - Option D+-{{:et:mrtn20200617-130604.png}} Budget is 1250 euros less than the actual revenue and revenue exceeds the budget by 83.33%+
-:!: If it is not specified in the fine-tuning that the difference is also shown as a percentage, there are half as many options as only financial differences can be shownThe options are: +Select the budgets you want to delete with the filters. Only the budgets in the list of filtered budgets will be deleted
-  * F- +
-  * F+ +
-  * D- +
-  * D++
-===== Müügieelarve =====+:!: It is possible to use several filters. While working with budgets, e.g. In the explanation box, write a word that makes it easy to filter and, if necessary, delete after.
-''MÜÜK > Seadistused > Müügi eelarved'' 
-Eelarve tegemiseks vajutada Lisa uus, mispeale avaneb aken, kus tuleb määrata eelarve alguse kuupäev ja eelarve tüüp, samuti teha valik, mille suhtes eelarvestama hakatakse. Samamoodi võib ühte perioodi luua mitmeid erinevaid eelarveid (neid eristab tüüp, nt optimistlik, pessimistlik).+===== 7Budget user rights =====
-{{:et:eelarve5.png?400|}}+Budget user rights can be set in\\ 
 +''Settings -> Common settings -> User groups -> Documents'' add module. \\ 
 +Select **All** from the How column and give right to either view only or also add, change and delete. Own and Extended options are not in use.
-Peale salvestamist avatakse eelarve dokument valitud väljadega.+{{:et:triinp20220921-151748.png}}
-Siin on võimalik abiks ridadele lisada kõik objektid või artikliklassid, samuti on võimalik tabel ette teha Excelis ja see siia massasetada.  Kui on soov kasutada ka siin eelarve jagamist või sisestatakse iga kuu/periood omaette dokumendile, siis pole reale kuupäeva salvestamine vajalik, sest mõjub päise oma, see lisatakse salvestamisel ridadele automaatselt. 
-{{:et:eelarve7.png?600|}}+===== 8Financial Budget reporting =====
-Kui sisestada alustuseks nt aasta eelarve, siis saab seda jällegi jagada nupu Jaga eelarved abil. +The function of comparing the periods of the income statement is used to control the filling of the financial budgetIt is possible to compare up to twelve different periods at a timeThere are three periods in the optionsbut you can add them using the + button next to the last available period filter.
-Avanev vaheaken on sarnane finantseelarve jagamise vaheaknaleErinevuseks on seekas eelarve luuakse samale dokumendile või iga periood omaette dokumendile. Selguse huvides võiks igasse perioodi oma dokumendi luua.+
-{{:et:eelarve8.png?400|}}+It is also possible to turn on the display of the percentage difference under fine-tuning and set the percentage of decimal places.
-Edasi Eelarve jagamise aknas kehtivad samad reeglid ja võimalused, mis finantseelarve juures.+{{:et:triinp20220921-152541.png}}
-{{:et:eelarve9.png?600|}}+The source for the different period numbers can be actual financial entries or budget entries with a specific code. The difference between the amounts of the periods can be viewed from the perspective of difference or performance. To do this, next to the period, you need to choose which other period the data will be compared with and determine how the financial and percentage difference is calculated. 
 +Example: A budget with E2022 type has been prepared for year 2022 where 2200 euros is forecasted for Sale of Purchased Goods and 1900 euros for Sale of Services. In reality the earning for goods are 18 000 euros and 11 672 euros for services. 
 +The results of the reports with different options are as follows. 
 +  - Option F-- {{:et:triinp20220922-105455.png}} Revenue is 25 572 euros higher than in the budget, so the budget is 723,71% filled. 
 +  - Option F-+ {{:et:triinp20220922-110107.png}} Revenue is 25 572 euros higher than in the budget, so the budget is 13,82% of revenue. 
 +  - Option F++ {{:et:triinp20220922-110312.png}} Budget is 25 572 euros lower than the actual revenue and makes 13,82% of it. 
 +  - Option F+- {{:et:triinp20220922-110517.png}} Budget is 25 572 euros lower than the actual revenue, so the budget is 723,71% filled.  
 +  - Option D-- {{:et:triinp20220922-110621.png}} Revenue exceeds the budget by 25 572 euros or 623,71% 
 +  - Option D-+ {{:et:triinp20220922-110747.png}} Revenue exceeds the budget by 25 572 euros and the budget is 86,18% less than the revenue. 
 +  - Option D++ {{:et:triinp20220922-111216.png}} Budget is 25 572 euros and 86,18% lower than the actual revenue. 
 +  - Option D+-{{:et:triinp20220922-111341.png}} Budget is 25 572 euros less than the actual revenue and revenue exceeds the budget by 623,71% 
 +:!: If it is not specified in the fine-tuning that the difference is also shown as a percentage, there are half as many options as only financial differences can be shown. The options are: 
 +  * F- 
 +  * F+ 
 +  * D- 
 +  * D+
-Kui numbrid laiali jagatud, siis vajutada Loo eelarved nuppu. 
-Võrdlemist reaalsete tulemuste ja eelarve vahel saab teostada aruandest MÜÜK>Graafikud müük.  
en/eelarve.1639575233.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/12/15 15:33 by evelint

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