

Payment is a document where payments to suppliers are indicated. Prepayments, purchase invoice payments and nettings can be created using payment document. New payment document can be also added from purchase invoice or using report „Payment forecast“. Payment reduces debt for supplier.

1. How to use

1. From the payments register create new payment by pressing „F2-Add new“ button. Fill in necessary fields. To keep the document, press „Save“ button. Payment should be confirmed by pressing „Confirm“ and „Save“ after the data is verified.

2. Payment can also be created from the report „Payment forecast“. For that it's necessary to fill in the filtering fields of the report and select „Report“. After the report is created, button „Create payment“ will appear. By pressing this button, new payment document will be created with prefilled fields. It's recommended to save the document. After checking all the data payment should be confirmed.

New design

Old view

1.1. Differences between the new Payment document and the old Payment document

2. Payment buttons

2.1. Header buttons

2.2. Row buttons

3. Payment fields

3.1. Header fields

New design Old view

3.2. Row fields

4. Fine-tuning

5. Payment types

6. Payment transactions

Usual payment
Debt to supplierdebit
Prepayment to supplier
Prepayment to supplier debit
Using prepayment with „Equal“ payment type
Prepayment to suppliercredit
Debt to supplierdebit

Finance account for money is taken from the payment type - whether bank, netting, prepayment etc. Finance account for Debt to supplier and prepayment are taken from the System settings > Purchase settings > Supplier prepayments, Supplier unpaid invoices

7. Export to the bank

Program offers the possibility to export payments to internet bank. For that there is a button „SEPA EST“ on the payment document. For this button to appear „Export type“ needs to be defined on the payment mode. In addition „Bank account“ and „Bank“ fields are also necessary for exporting payments to internet bank.

After clicking „SEPA EST“ a window opens where payment files can be downloaded. Next step will be logging into internet bank and selecting „Import of payments“. After that upload the file into bank. After confirming the payments in the bank the operation is complete. For successful payments export into bank, supplier's bank account and if necessary reference number, need to be filled in on payment rows.

:!: Each click on „SEPA EST“ button generates new values in „Payment No.“ field. Later for relating bank statement and payment it's important to make sure that the newest export file is uploaded into bank.

Data order in Export file (SEPA EST) description:

  1. Purchase invoice has Vendors invoice field filled and „Description“ column is empty on the payment - Information in the file will be in form: „“ (xxx=vendors invoice number from the purchase invoice„)
  2. Description field is filled on the payment document- data from the description field will be indicated in the export file.
  3. On the purchase invoice reference number is filled and description field is filled on the payment document - Reference number will be indicated in the export file

:!: When working with different companies and their payments it's recommended to use System setting > Company short code - in window title to distinguish different companies payment files more easily. Payment file name format is following: Payment_number_company_short_code_payment_moce_code.

8. Sending payments to bank

LHV and Swedbank offer the possibility to send payments directly to bank.

8.1. Settings in Swedbank

8.2. Settings and using in Directo

9. Purchase invoice payment in currency

9.1. Full purchase invoice payment in currency

If the purchase invoice is not in the base currency, then there will be an exchange rate difference in payment. It is necessary to follow the next rules in order for the exchange rate transactions to be correct. The following system settings accounts are used in the examples:

9.1.1. Currency purchase invoice payment in the same currency

Needs to be indicated on payment:

Payment document: New design

Old view

The finance transaction is created after payment confirmation:

9.1.2. The purchase invoice payment in the base currency (EUR) with exact daily central bank rate

Needs to be indicated on payment:

Payment document: New design

Old view

The finance transaction is created after confirming the payment document:

9.1.3. Currency purchase invoices payment in base currency (EUR) not at the central bank rate

Needs to be indicated on payment: (NB! Given order is important):

Payment document: New design

Old view

The finance transaction is created after confirming the payment document:

9.1.4. Currency purchase invoices payment in another currency (not in the base currency) with exact daily central bank rate

Payment document: New design

Old view

The finance transaction is created after confirming the payment document:

9.1.5. Currency purchase invoices payment in another currency (not in the base currency) not at the central bank rate

Needs to be indicated on payment: (NB! Given order is important):

Payment document: New design: After entering 9850 SEK, a warning is displayed

After double-clicking on RateService and confirming

Old view

The finance transaction is created after confirming the payment document:

9.1.6. Prepayment to supplier in currency

Needs to be indicated on payment:

Payment document: New design

Old view

The finance transaction is created after confirming the payment document:

9.2. Partial payment of purchase invoice in currency

9.2.1. Partial payment of the purchase invoice in the same currency

Needs to be indicated on payment:

Payment document: New design

Old view

The finance transaction is created after confirming the payment document:

9.2.2. Partial payment of the purchase invoice in the base currency (EUR)

:!: Works only on the new design payment document.

Needs to be indicated on payment: (NB! Given order is important):

Payment document:

The finance transaction is created after confirming the payment document:

10. Practical examples

10.1. On payment - the sum to be paid by the supplier is red with a minus sign / NEW yellow

If the supplier has issued invoices and credit invoices and the sum to be paid is negative, it will be marked with red. Red field is informative.

Old view

New design : Customer Total is negative and yellow

10.2. Placing several purchase invoices in a row

Double click on the purchase invoice number cell, opens the list of purchase invoices. Activate the Multiple record paster (the window does not close) under „Settings“

10.3. Directo purchase invoice number on the finance transaction row

New design

Old view

10.4. SEPA error message

This error message occurs when you want to send purchase invoices to a bank, but some purchase invoices have a different supplier name. In this case, purchase invoices with a different suppliers name will not be summarized.

New design

Old view

:!: It is allowed to send credit invoices to bank with purchase invoices. One supplier purchase invoices are summed up, if the supplier name is written in the same way. Purchase invoices with reference number will not be summarized.

10.5. Error message when importing payment to the bank - comment too long

If too many purchase invoices are paid together, the purchase invoice numbers will not fit in the comment field. Also, the payee does not know which purchase invoices have been paid.
Xml fail adds all one supplier purchase invoices rows together and purchase invoice numbers are written to the comment field when importing one supplier purchase invoices to the bank.
Bank issues a warning that comment is too long, if too many purchase invoices are paid together and reference numbers are not in use.

Possible solutions:

10.6. Purchase invoice number added to the transaction row

To simplify verification, the Directo purchase invoice number is added to the Payment finance transaction.

10.7. The payment exchange rate transaction is created separately for each purchase invoice

Every purchase invoice exchange rate transaction is on a separate line and the purchase invoice number and header object are added to the transaction line to track exchange rate gains/losses.

10.8. Why the payment cannot be confirmed, although the object is marked on the row?

If the account object level is required and the payment row has object level object verify if in system settings are marked

10.9. Payments - own right does not work

User group own right does not work when making payment. If it is necessary to give the user the rights to see only limited payments and the right to see only certain bank accounts, it is possible to

:!: If the cell is empty, everything is allowed. Comma separated list. If at least one code is filled in, only that code is allowed.

10.10 Payment extended right

If the user group has the Payment Extended right, the user can only see payments with the object on the personnel card.

:!: If the right is extended, but the object is not marked on the user's personnel card, then it behaves like an „All“ right and sees all payments. If you add an object to the user, only payments with this object in the header will be visible.

11. Examples of system settings

11.1. System setting - Finance transactions from ledgers in rows

Payment document

11.1.1. Finance transaction with options NO - Finance transactions from ledgers in rows

The debit and credit sides are a cumulative total

11.1.2. Option DEBT PART - Finance transactions from ledgers in rows

The money flow is in the cumulative total and the debt side of the ledger is by purchase invoice rows, at the beginning of each row is the number of the purchase invoice.

11.1.3. Option ASSET PART TOO - Finance transactions from ledgers in rows

Money flow and Accounts Payable are on separate rows in transaction, at the beginning of each row is the purchase invoice number.

11.1.4. Options like PAYMENT FILE - Finance transactions from ledgers in rows

Money flow is cumulative total by supplier and the debit side is on separate invoice rows, at the beginning of each row is the purchase invoice number.

12. Prepayments via PreID (NEW PAYMENT DOCUMENT)

These payment rows, which do not refer to any specific purchase invoice, affect the prepayment balance in the purchase ledger and the customers prepayment balance in the balance sheet. Directo generates a unique prepayment ID or PreID value for each payment row with a positive prepayment sum, which can later be used to link the purchase invoice to a specific prepayment row. In the prepayment row can use the account to which the prepayment can be entered in the balance sheet - if the account is left empty, it will be taken either from the supplier's card in the payment row or if no account has been specified in the PP account field on the supplier's card, then from the system setting Supplier prepayments. Prepayment row object and project are used to create the transaction.

12.1. PreID on payment document

An example of a payment where two prepayments of different sums and purposes have been paid to the same supplier :

New payment document


12.2. PreID prepayment use on the purchase invoice

The payment rows identified via PreID can be linked to the purchase invoice. To make a choice, must click on the Prepayment link in the purchase invoice header, which opens a section on the purchase invoice, where can see the PreID of the given supplier with an usable balance.

A double-click inside any of the Selected column fields will attempt to match that specific prepayment with purchase invoice prepayment uncovered sum.

:!: PreIDs manual selection is not mandatory! If no manual selection is made or the selected sums do not fully cover the purchase invoice prepayment sum, selects Directo automatically the necessary IDs using the FIFO method.

After confirming the purchase invoice is created following transaction:

The prepayment row uses the account, object and project resulting from the payment row associated with the selected PreID.

:!: If the object was not filled in the payment row to which the PreID refer to, is used purchase invoice object for corresponding transaction row.

:!: If the system setting Prepayment takes object from Customer/Supplier is something other than No, the object found via EtteID is not used.

12.3 Using PreID on payment

Example :

To reduce the prepayment balance on the payment document, must select a PreID with a sufficient balance to the payment row with a negative sum to be paid.

12.4. Examples of currency prepayments

The prepayment is used for payment at the same exchange rate as the original prepayment.

12.4.1. Prepayment use on purchase invoice in currency

Using prepayment in currency on the purchase invoice at the rate of the prepayment date Transaction

12.4.2 Prepayment netting on the payment document in currency

Example : Prepayment Transaction

To use prepayment

The exchange rate profit/loss is calculated on the transaction

Purchase invoice Transaction

12.4.3 Before PreID, netting the currency prepayment with the purchase invoice in the same currency on the payment document, if the prepayment sum is smaller than the purchase invoice

Necessary steps

Change the purchase invoice fields

After changing the fields, confirm the purchase invoice

12.4.4. Netting - prepayment and purchase invoice are in different currencies

If the prepayment is in a different currency, it is possible to settle it with a purchase invoice in another currency. The currency in which the prepayment is made must be marked on the purchase invoice for payment.

The exchange rates are calculated on the financial transaction

Payment mode type must be equal

12.4.5. Netting - prepayment and purchase invoice are in the same currencies

If the prepayment is in the same currency as purchase invoice

12.5. Previous prepayments

All the earlier suppliers prepayments are without a prepayment number and will be used without a prepayment number. The PreID functionality only works on a new Payment document.

12.5.1 How to see correctly the prepayments in the Supplier prepayments report