
Unpaid invoices

Report Unpaid invoices shows invoices with balance (partially/ fully unpaid or overpaid) according to selected filters.

1. Filters and filter options

:!: To Exclude Clients use symbol „!“ in that field

2. Options

4. Fine Tuning

5. Buttons

6. Sending Notice Letter from Unpaid Invoices Report

To display unpaid invoices it's neccessary to select desired range of period for given invoices. It's also possible to sort invoices by days overdue.

If Customer has more than one invoice unpaid overdue, it's possible to send one notice letter for all these invoices. For that it's neccessary to choose Sum by Customers. Selecting checkbox „Notice“ defines if this Customer will receive notice letter.

Select suitable print layout for sending Notice Letter and press Mail Notice button. Preview can be seen by pressing „Print“.

E-mail will be sent to the address set on the Customer Card.

:!: Make sure that in Fine Tuning settings there is a possibilty to use Customer Card Datafield for sending e-mails.
Instuctions for creating Datafields can be found here: Datafield Types

Example of datafield settings:

7. Showing Payment Graph in Report

More information about Payment Graph can be found here: Payment Graph

To see information about invoice payment graph it's neccessary to choose Show graph balance, Show graph rows and Overdue uses graph dates :

Graph balance and graph rows will be shown in the report:

Graph rows show which rows are unpaid according to the report Period. Graph balance shows the sum of balance of graph rows according to the report Period. Column Invoice Balamce shows invoice total balance not depending on report period.

:!: Notice Letter print layouts can be created with graph rows included