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en:receipt_settings [2022/11/16 15:04] triinpen:receipt_settings [2022/11/16 16:09] (current) triinp
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 ===== Receipt settings ==== ===== Receipt settings ====
-  ***Invoice data field, where invoice reference number is stored** - sales invoice additional field when creating sales invoices in external systems and importing them to Directo with the interface. Enables to search for the receipt invoice reference number in the specified datafield on the bank statement.  +  ***Invoice data field, where invoice reference number is stored** - sales invoice additional field when creating sales invoices in external systems and importing them to Directo with the interface. Enables to search for the receipt reference number match in the specified datafield on the bank statement.  
-  ***Invoice datafield for external invoice number** - sales invoice additional field when creating sales invoices in external systems and importing them to Directo with the interface. Enables to search for the match of the receipt invoice number in the specified datafield on the bank statement. +  ***Invoice datafield for external invoice number** - sales invoice additional field when creating sales invoices in external systems and importing them to Directo with the interface. Enables to search for the receipt account number match in the specified datafield on the bank statement. 
-  ***Item class subject to prepayment** - arvele pandavat ettemaksu arvutatakse ainult selle klassi pealtKinnitada lubab täissummas  +  ***Item class subject to prepayment** - prepayment on the invoice is calculated only on this class. Confirming is allowed only in full amount
-  ***Item datafield subject to prepayment** - arvele pandavat ettemaksu arvutatakse nende artiklite pealt, millel on selles lisaväljas sisu (ükskõik mis peale tühja). Kinnitada lubab täissummasJuhul, kui mõlemad seadistused on pealsiis kehtivad mõlemad ehk ainult need artiklid, millel nii klass, kui lisaväli vastavad tingimuseleMõttekas on kasutada ühte neist seadistustest+  ***Item datafield subject to prepayment** - prepayment is calculated on the items that have content in this datafield (any, except empty). Confirming is allowed in full amountIf both settings are on, then both apply i.e. only those items where both the class and the datafield match the condition. Reasonable is to use one of these settings.
   ***Customer paste on Receipt alerts Prepayment of Customer** -   ***Customer paste on Receipt alerts Prepayment of Customer** -
   ***Receipt prohibits overpaying the Order prepayment** -   ***Receipt prohibits overpaying the Order prepayment** -
   ***Receipt uses header object for the Asset Accounts** -   ***Receipt uses header object for the Asset Accounts** -
   ***Prepayment Receipt requires VAT code** -   ***Prepayment Receipt requires VAT code** -
-  ***Invoice Fine is pasted to Receipts** - kui arvele on kogunenud viivise summa ja arvele tehakse laekuminesiis laekumise viivise lahtrisse tuleb automaatselt seotud viivise summa.+  ***Invoice Fine is pasted to Receipts** - if the invoice has accumulated fine and the invoice is receivedthen the related fine sum is automatically entered to the receipt fine cell.
   ***Datafield defining customer reference number for receipt import** -   ***Datafield defining customer reference number for receipt import** -
-  ***Bank statement receipt generator divides excessive sum to** - kui laekunud summa on suurem kui konkreetse arve saldosiis jagatakse ülejääv summa vastavalt seadistuses määratule, kas saldoga arvetele või märgitakse ettemaksuks+  ***Bank statement receipt generator divides excessive sum to** - if the received sum is bigger than the balance of a specific invoicethen the excessive sum is divided according to the setting either to invoices with a balance or marked as prepayment
-  ***Customer order number lookup when creating receipt from bank statement** - pangaväljavõttelt laekumise genereerimisel otsitakse makse selgitusest kliendi tellimuse numbrit tellimuse pealt ja selle olemasolul lisatakse tellimuse number vastavasse lahtrisse +  ***Customer order number lookup when creating receipt from bank statement** - when generating a receipt from a bank statement, the customer's order number is searched for in the payment explanation and if it exists, the order number is added to the corresponding cell. 
-  ***Order number lookup when creating receipt from bank statement** - pangaväljavõttelt laekumise genereerimisel otsitakse makse selgitusest tellimuse numbrit ja tellimuse olemasolul lisatakse see laekumisel vastavasse lahtrisse+  ***Order number lookup when creating receipt from bank statement** - when generating a receipt from a bank statement, the order number is searched for in the payment explanation and if there is an order, it will be added to the corresponding cell upon receipt
   ***Fine is pasted automatically** -   ***Fine is pasted automatically** -
-  ***Fine (penalty) Account** - konto, mida kasutatakse viivise summa jaoks.+  ***Fine (penalty) Account** - the account used for the fine sum
en/receipt_settings.1668603862.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/11/16 15:04 by triinp

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