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en:konto [2021/08/02 12:46] – created janeen:konto [2023/03/13 10:28] (current) – [3. Examples] triinp
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-FIXME **This page is not fully translated, yet. Please help completing the translation.**\\ //(remove this paragraph once the translation is finished)//+====== Finance accounts ======
-====== Finantskontod ======+Financial accounts are used to create transactions. New accounts can be added and existing ones can be modified in ''Settings -> Finance settings -> **Financial accounts**''.
-Finantskontosid kasutatakse kannete moodustamiselUusi kontosid saab lisada ja olemasolevaid muuta ''Seadistused-> Raamatu seadistused -> **Finantskontod**''+{{:et:triinp20220824-125145.png}}
-{{:et:kulli20181207-100257.png}}+===== 1Finance account card =====
-**Kood**finantskonto numbriline kood. Pikkus võib olla üks kuni 32 numbrit.+{{:et:triinp20220824-134018.png}}
-**Nimi**- finantskonto nimi.+  * **Code** - financial account numeric code. The length can be from one to 32 digits. It is not recommended to use other symbols than numbers. 
 +  * **Name** - finance account name 
 +  * **Vat code** - VAT code placed on the transaction or document when the account is placed. 
 +  * **For stock depr.** - options YES/NO. If YES is selected, this account can be used in stock depreciation transaction. By default it is empty, which is equivalent to YES. 
 +  * **Closed** - Is the account closed YES/NO. By selecting YES, the account can be closed and the account can no longer be used for transactions. It is still possible to use the account in reports. 
 +  * **Class** - finance account class. Options Asset, Equity, Expense, Income, Liability, Off-Balance. The account class must be correctly entered on the account, necessary to create correct transactions, annual closing transaction and reports. 
 +  * **Corr. account** - is used for automatic document transaction periodization. A balance account where incomes and expenses for future periods are periodized. 
 +  * **Taxonomy** - taxonomy code 
 +  * **Transaction objects** - can specify the object(s) to be added to the transaction by overwriting the objects of the same level that came from the documents. For example, if the account has Tallinn and the row has Mart, then Tallinn,Mart is entered to the transaction. If Tartu,Mari is on the row and Tallinn is on the account, then Tallinn, Mari will be entered to the transaction. 
 +  * **Transaction projects** - can specify a project to be added to the transaction by overwriting the projects that came from the document. 
 +  * **Employee benefit** - Only for ESTONIA !. You can choose which TSD Annex 4,5,6 fringe benefit field the account turnover is related to. It is useful to specify if is wanted the fringe benefit fields to be filled in when submitting the TSD to the Tax and Customs Board. 
 +:!: In front of each fringe benefit option, there is a code that shows which TSD Annex 4, 5 or 6 row exactly the account turnover data goes to.
-**KMkood**- konto asetamisel kandele või dokumendile asetuv käibemaksukood.+:!: Create necessary number of accounts to be able to automatically submit TSD annex.  
 +For example, two separate financial accounts should be created for gifts. One up to the established limit and the other for gifts that cost more than the limit.
-**Mahakandmiseks**- valikuga JAH puhul saab mahakandmise kandel seda kontot kasutadaVaikimisi on tühi, mis võrdub JAH valikuga+  * **Statistics** - a selection of statistics report codes 
 +  * **Valid from** - the date from which the account can be used and from which transactions cannot be made in an earlier period. 
 +  * **Account demands** - can specify which mandatory parameters must be additionally specified whenever this account is used. 
 +  * **Mandatory** - can specify which object level objects must be filled in the transaction. 
-**Suletud**- valikuga JAH saab konto sulgeda ja seda kontot ei saa enam kannetes kasutada. Aruannetes on endiselt võimalik kontot kasutada.+:!: Before deleting the account from the account plan, check from the General Ledger whether the account has been used!
-**Klass**- tuleb valida finantskonto klass. 
-{{:et:kulli20181207-102004.png}}+===== 2Deleting accounts =====
-**Korr.Konto.**- kasutatakse dokumentide kannete automaatseks periodiseerimiseks.+If the account has been used in system settings, settings and documents, accounts cannot be deletedWhen deleting, a message will appear showing where the accounts have been used. 
-**Kande objektid**saab määrata objekti(d), mis lisatakse kandele juurde, kirjutades dokumentidelt kaasa tulnud sama taseme objektid üleNäiteks kui on kontol on Tallinn ja real on Mart, siis kandele tuleb Tallinn,Mart. Kui real Tartu,Mari ja kontol Tallinn, siis kandele jääb Tallinn,Mari.+{{:et:triinp20230310-134438.png}} 
 +If the accounts has only been used in system settings and you want to delete the accountsdelete and replace those accounts.
-**Erisoodustus**saab valida millise TSD Lisa 4,5,6 erisoodustuse väljaga konto käive seotud on. Kasulik määrata, kui soovitakse, et TSD esitamisel täituksid Maksu ja Tolliametis TSD esitamisel erisoodustust puudutavad väljad.+{{:et:triinp20230310-140640.png}}
-:!: Iga erisoodustuse valiku ees on kood, mis näitab millisele TSD Lisa 4,5 või 6 reale täpselt konto käibe andmed lähevad.+===== 3Examples =====
-:!: Loo vajalik kontode hulk, et oleks võimalik automaatselt TSD lisasid esitada. Näiteks kingituste puhul peaks olema loodud kaks erinevat finantskontot. Üks kuni kehtestatud määrani ja teine üle piirmäära maksvatele kingitustele.+{{page>en:raamatupidaja_nipinurk#how_to_grant_rigths_to_see_only_certain_account_statements}}
-**Kehtiv alates**- kuupäev, millest alates on konto kasutatav ning millest varasemasse perioodi ei saa tehinguid teha. 
-**Kontol on nõutud**- saab määrata, millised kohustuslikud parameetrid tuleb alati selle konto kasutamisel lisaks määrata. 
en/konto.1627897583.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/02 12:46 by jane

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