Definitions, terms, abbreviations
VAT codes can be configured here Settings > Finance settings > VAT codes:
See more details käibemaksukoodide häälestamine.
System Settings, that are related to VAT:
Settings → System settings → Finance settings
Settings > System settings > Finance settings > VAT sum splitted in sales
is selected as „object+project“ or „project“ and the VAT code does not have an object.Settings > System settings > Finance settings > VAT sum splitted in purchases
is selected as „object+project“ or „project“ and the VAT code does not have an object.
Settings → System settings → Sale settings
Settings → System settings → Receipt settings
Settings → System settings → Purchase settings
It is important to correctly fill in the following fields on the customer and supplier card for convenient VAT calculation (in addition to the usual fields such as company name, etc.):
For state institutes, Orderer is placed on the VAT declaration and the VAT declaration is done by the Orderer.
For companies, the Customer is placed on the VAT declaration.
Those customers and suppliers who are covered by VAT Act § 27 subsection 1/4 (in Estonia) - they should have the type „Private“ on the customer/supplier card. In this case, the sales/purchase invoices of this customer/supplier do not go to appendix A and B of the VAT declaration
To set up reverse charge:
Settings → Finance settings → VAT codes
. The created VAT code must be set as follows:
Configurations of the VAT report can be created and corrected: Settings → Finance settings → VAT declaration
Clicking on a VAT declaration option opens a list of available report configurations:
The configuration of a specific report opens when you click on its code.
VAT report configuration window:
With the option Start Balance; End Balance; D-turnover; C-turnover; Change - the field Description can be used to create a list (not a mathematical operation) of accounts whose corresponding values are summed. To create the list, the following symbols can be used : (colon) to describe a range and + (plus) to add an individual account or an entire range to the previous one. For example: 10901:10908+10911:10918+10921+10931:10938.
Start Balance - uses the account's beginning balance for the report period.
End Balance - uses the account's closing balance for the report period.
D-turnover - uses the account's debit turnover for the report period.
C-turnover - uses the account's credit turnover for the report period..
Change - uses the account's turnover change (debit turnover minus credit turnover) similarly to an income statement.
Formula - row allows you to configure the mathematical operation of the field Description with the values of the previous rows. Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division can be used. The factors of the operation are the numbers or constants of the previous rows. Row numbers are entered as normal numbers. A constant, i.e. a definite numerical value given by the user, is entered between braces { }. All operations are performed in order from left to right regardless of operation type. For example, in the case of the configuration 100+200/500*{0.21}, the results of rows no.100 and no.200 are first added, then the obtained result is divided by the result of row no.500, and the result of this operation is multiplied by the number 0.21. Brackets etc. cannot be used. If in an operation it is necessary to use the result of another operation, in which case we would use brackets in normal mathematics, then it makes sense to describe the operation in so-called brackets on the previous rows and use the number of that row, or the result, in the final operation.
If you want to calculate the totals of different VATs, you have to report them on different rows. For example, on one row (row 950) operation 50*{0.22}, on the next row (row 980) operation 100*{0.2}.
Transactions of different VAT rates must not be combined in one row, for example: (row 950) transaction 50*{0.22}+100*{0.2}:
The closing credit balance of the account is a negative number. To find the change in the account, the debit turnover is subtracted from the credit turnover. If the credit turnover is greater than the debit turnover, the result is a negative change. In the example, sales revenue is recorded as a credit turnover of sales accounts, and the change in the account is a negative number. In order to get a positive result for the row of the VAT report, the Class value of this row must be selected as either empty or debit.
The sign can only be rotated to display the result of a specific row within the same row. If the result of this row is used as part of an operation, the operation still uses the result with the unchanged sign. For example, so that the result of the row reflecting the sales turnover can be presented as positive, we set its class to empty or debit (they change the sign), because the sales turnover increases on the credit side of the account, and the result of positive sales turnover on the account is a negative number by default. However, if we use the result of this row in an addition operation where we cannot change the sign of the result, we must instead subtract the previously mentioned row because its actual value is negative.
For such row of the VAT report:
The turnover amounts of accounts 40000 to 49999, where the VAT code is „1“, are summed from the financial transactions.
The general principle of configuring the report:
In order for the VAT declaration to be sent to the Tax Board, you must select the
When selecting and saving the form, columns appear in the configuration of the declaration rows
By selecting option 2024KMD_INF1 of the XML Tax Board file, additional fields appear in the report description:
Section column options:
Choose the „Section“ only for summary rows that are transferred to the Estonian Tax Board VAT declaration.
Option A is used to determine which invoices containing specific VAT codes are included in the content of appendix A of the VAT return INF1. In other words, option A must be selected for that row of the VAT report, which adds the corresponding invoice amounts to the main part of the report via the VAT code on the row. The VAT code determines the operation of one or another type of VAT. However, several different VAT types or cases are declared as a common amount on the same row in the official VAT return. But not all of these cases are subject to declaration in appendix A. For example, operations and transactions taxed at a rate of 20% include normal sales turnover and at the same time transactions taxed with reverse charge, etc. In appendix A, only those invoices that, among other things, include the usual 20% of turnover in Estonia and taxable turnover based on the special arrangement set forth in VAT act § 41 and 42 are subject to declaration. ince each type of such transaction has a separate VAT code and a distinct row in the VAT report, you need to mark option A in the Extra field for those that, in your VAT code system, signify the types of sales transactions that must be declared.
You may wonder why all this needs to be set up via the VAT report and not the VAT code? Would it be easier? This is so for two reasons. First of all, appendices A and B must be based on the main part of the VAT return, and the corresponding version of the VAT report together with the option of the additional report form one entity valid for a certain period of time. Secondly, if the Tax Board changes the rules of the VAT return or its appendices in the future, a new VAT report can be easily created with the corresponding settings, and at the same time the previous versions will remain, and the past data can be reproduced very easily in the form that they were valid at the time.
Option B is used to determine which purchase invoices and expenses with a transaction containing financial accounts will be included in VAT return INF1 appendix B. Since it is more convenient to calculate input VAT through financial accounts, the starting point here is the existence of the corresponding account on the purchase invoice or expense transaction. We emphasize that the basis is the account on the transaction, not the original document, because the amount reaches the main part of the VAT report through the account on the financial transaction, not through the document account. It also eliminates errors that can occur if an account has been changed on a purchase invoice or expense transaction without changing the original document.
The fields Section and Extra are unrelated and function independently of each other.
The additional Estonian VAT return INF1 report is automatically generated together with the main form of the VAT report if the corresponding form is selected in the XML field in its settings:
Part A is generated from sales invoices that meet the following conditions:
The total amount of invoices that meet the aforementioned conditions is summed based on the customer code (NB! not on the basis of the reg. code). Invoices with positive and negative totals are added separately. If any such amount exceeds the limit shown in the System settings, all invoices of the respective customer are presented on Part A.
Part B is generated from purchase invoices and expenses that meet the following conditions:
The total amount of purchases that meet the aforementioned conditions is summed based on the supplier code (NB! not on the basis of the reg. code) Invoices with positive and negative totals are added separately. If any such amount exceeds the limit shown in the System settings, all invoices of the respective supplier will be presented on Part B.
NB! The date of the sales invoice, purchase invoice, financial transaction of the expense must not be changed without changing the operation date of the original document! Otherwise, part A and/or part B may not correspond to the main part of the Estonian VAT return.
If the transaction partner's (customer or supplier) reg.code is not filled in on the card, the customer/supplier code is displayed in the corresponding field of the report, with a red exclamation mark in front of it. The card can be opened from the code and the reg.code field can be filled in correctly. When generating the report again, the added reg.code is entered in the correct field. The same is the case with the invoice number of the supplier's purchase invoice or the original document number of the expense. If it is missing, the report will show Unfilled. By clicking on it, the purchase invoice/expense opens and you can fill in the field with the correct information.
If the XML option is filled in the VAT report setting, the declaration can be submitted electronically either by sending it directly to Estonian Tax Board or by manually uploading the file.
If desired, the system behavior can be configured to automatically send the file as submitted. This is determined by the system setting VAT declaration KMD INF1 is sent to e-MTA as submitted
- YES.
The submitted declaration can also be sent again if necessary - the last sent version remains valid.
Sending occurs in real-time, but the data is processed asynchronously and may take some time to arrive. Feedback of the sent item is also retrieved asynchronously (every 15 minutes). Therefore, there may be situations where the submission has already been successfully received, but the feedback has not yet reached Directo
If you give the right to Directo OÜ, the names of the members of the board of Directo OÜ are currently added automatically. This is a technical error on the part of e-MTA, which is being corrected (BUG). If you want to remove unnecessary board members, write to The members of the board of Directo OÜ see customer data in this way, i.e. no actual access to data:
We recommend that the authorizations of Directo OÜ board members be terminated, even if they are not terminated, they will not have any access to the data.
For detailed instructions or questions about how to grant rights in the e-MTA, please contact the customer support of the Tax and Customs Board
Each sending leaves a record in the Document Transport register. The record is closed (marked as strikethrough) when feedback has been received and the action was successful, so these records can be simply ignored. When sending VAT return, the following Document transport fields are used:
To manually upload the VAT declaration file:
System setting VAT declaration KMD INF1 is sent to e-MTA as submitted
- no.
The file is sent to e-MTA in such a way that the user must also enter e-MTA in order to submit the declaration there.
NB! By manually uploading the file to the e-MTA, the report is not submitted, but the necessary fields on the Tax Board's form are pre-filled. After uploading, it is possible to supplement, change, delete and finally submit the report in e-MTA.
Enables the VAT declaration to automatically generate a financial transaction - the transfer of the VAT payable according to the declaration to the advance payment account of the Tax Board.
In the configuration of the VAT declaration, the column Automatic transaction appears at the end. Select the row that contains the amount due in the VAT declaration and put a check mark on that row. After activating the row, all other options disappear from the column.
If you need to change a row:
Once the VAT return has been calculated and checked, the month-end transaction can be made directly from the declaration. By clicking the button on the VAT declaration, a financial transaction is created.
The financial transaction for the April 2024 declaration will be prepared as of the 20th of the following month (according to what is written in the setting).
If you are a joint VAT payer, do not use the automatic VAT return button for your subsidiary's VAT returns.
If a group of companies is jointly liable for VAT, the sales invoices between the members of the group must be submitted without VAT (a separate VAT code must be made for such transactions).
During the month, transactions are recorded in various VAT (purchase and sale) balance sheet accounts.
A VAT declaration is made on the 20th of each month (declaration deadline).
Finance → Reports → VAT declar.
The amounts in the declaration match the amounts in the balance sheet:
The „Make transaction“ button in the report automatically generates a transaction:
Read the instructions for setting up the „Make transaction“ button
When transferring money to the Tax Board, the transaction should be:
In the next month's balance sheet, under the change, you can clearly see the reduction of the declared VAT debt and the new month's sales and purchase VAT amounts:
The May declaration is made on the 20th of the following month, i.e. June 20. The same process as previously described with April takes place.
At the end of the year, VAT accounts should be closed or reset. If desired, it can also be done every month.
With the Middle Transaction (Finance → Documents → Middle Transactions
) all VAT account balances are reset, except the amount that remains to be paid to the Tax Board for December 20.01.XX and which is entered on 20.01.XX. As of 31.12.XX, leave the amount in account 212381 „VAT Paid to the Tax Office“. If there is a prepayment of VAT at year-end, use account 113211 „Declared VAT Prepayments“ .
An example of making a middle transaction where, on 31.12.XX, there remains a VAT debt in the amount of 200 euros (sales VAT 22788.72 - purchase VAT 22588.72). The remaining amount can also be seen on the VAT declaration.
Balance sheet on 31.12.XX before making the middle transaction and preparation of the middle transaction:
January balance sheet after the middle transaction > the opening balances of the purchase and sales VAT accounts for the next period have been reset:
When paying VAT for December in January, account 212381 „VAT Paid to the Tax Office“ must be used for payment. In this way, the account resets, and the usual process continues until the end of the year.