

Transactions in Directo are usually generated automatically as a result of the confirmation of the original document. If necessary, transactions can be created manually.
The register of transactions is located at Finance → Transactions.
Directo allows to create both simple and compound sentences. One transaction can have 1 or many debit and credit sides. Transaction must be balanced (debit=credit), so that it can be saved.

1. Transaction buttons

1.1. Header buttons

1.2. Row buttons

2. Transaction fields

2.1. Header fields

The fields on transactions header are selectable and the locations can be changed from button .

2.2. Row fields

The columns of the table of financial transaction rows are selectable and the locations can be changed, you can read more about it from here.

3. Periodization of the transaction (NEW DESIGN)

The periodization functionality of the transaction allows to periodize the financial transaction, i.e. distribute the amount over a longer period.

:!: Only works on the new design transaction.

3.1. Periodization methodology

Periodization is based on two rules: monthly periodization and daily periodization.

Monthly periodization - period is divided into months and all the periodized parts are equal. Monthly periodization applies if applies the formula: periodization end date + 1 = periodization start date. Periodization period can be divided into full months. These periods are for example:

Example A: 01.02.2019-31.01.2020 (31. + 1 = 1. day) and the period is divided exactly into 12 months;

Example B: 20.02.2019-19.12.2019 (19. + 1 = 20th day) and the period is divided exactly into 10 months. ⇒ (01.03. until 30.11 = 9 months) + (20.02 until 28.02.2019 = 1/3 months) + (01.12 until 19.12.2019 = 2/3 months) = 10 months.

If the periodized sum is 300 EUR, then in example A the period sum is: 300 EUR / 12 months = 25 EUR and the same sum applies to all periods.

In example B the period sum is: 300 EUR / 10 months = 30 EUR.

Daily periodization applies if the period is not divided into full months or the rule periodization end date + 1 = periodization start date does not apply, and as a result, all periodized parts have a different amount according to the number of calendar days in the month.

3.2. Periodization of the transaction

Periodization of a transaction can be started from a saved transaction by pressing the “Periodize” button in the header.

In the new design, pressing the “Periodize” button opens the first pop-up window where you can set the parameters of periodization.

After filling in the parameters, press the “Forward” button below, which opens the second pop-up window:

Pressing the button will create the periodized transaction, which will be in draft form in the new design. If, upon review, the result is not as desired, pressing the button in the header will remove the periodized transaction lines, allowing you to start periodization again.

With the parameters given above, a periodized transaction is created by pressing the “Save” button in the draft form:

The periodized transaction will have different periods separated by dividing lines. The first section shows the original transaction lines with postings to the corresponding account and the subtraction of the periodized line to avoid double expenses/income.

If you have already saved the transaction in draft form, it is possible to delete the lines either one by one or all at once, as a result of which the “Periodize” button in the header becomes active again and it is possible to start periodization again.

3.3 Examples:

3.3.1 Entering an incorrect parameter

If the entered object does not exist, the box will turn red upon leaving the field, and a corresponding error message will be displayed, similar to other fields.

3.3.2 Periodizing a transaction once per quarter over a year


3.3.3 Periodization of multiple transaction lines

If there are more lines to be periodized, the second pop-up window shows both accounts that are periodized. If desired, different data can be assigned to them, in this example, different account objects.

Pressing “Create transactions” and “Save” generates a periodized transactions, showing that each account has its object:

3.3.4 Daily periodization, i.e. the period amounts are not equal

In this example, the periodization range cannot be divided into whole months, and periodization takes place with daily precision. The second pop-up window shows how the amounts are calculated according to the number of days.

Pressing “Create transactions” and “Save” generates a periodized transaction:

In the second pop-up window, you can manually overwrite the amounts yourself. If, for example, you manually enter 1000 in the cell for the amount of 19.01.2023, the last cell will contain the amount with a minus and the warning message “Check sums” will appear in the top right.

3.3.5 If there is also VAT on the transaction, but you do not want it to be periodized

If the transaction includes VAT and you are periodizing the debit side, and you do not want the VAT to be periodized, enter the same account used for input VAT as the corresponding account.

As a result, the transaction will be rotated on the same account:

3.3.6 Object level requirement

Corr. account objects

Object of account subject to periodization

Error messages

4. Periodization of the transaction (OLD DESIGN)

Periodization of a transaction can be started from a saved transaction by pressing the „Periodize“ button in the header.

In the old design, pressing the „Periodize“ button opens the first pop-up window where you can set the parameters of periodization.

After filling in the parameters, press the „Forward“ button below, which opens the second pop-up window:

if “Reset accounts” is ticked, then pressing the “Create transactions” button, button will create the periodized transaction:

The periodized transaction will have different periods separated by dividing lines. The first section shows the original transaction lines with postings to the corresponding account and the subtraction of the periodized line to avoid double expenses/income.

If “Reset accounts” is not ticked, the transaction is like that:

5. Examples (OLD DESIGN)

5.1 Periodizing a transaction once per quarter over a year


5.2 Periodization of multiple transaction lines

If there are more lines to be periodized, the second pop-up window shows both accounts that are periodized. If desired, different data can be assigned to them, in this example, different VAT codes.

Pressing “Create transactions” and “Save” generates a periodized transactions, showing that each account has its VAT codes:

5.3 Daily periodization, i.e. the period amounts are not equal

In this example, the periodization range cannot be divided into whole months, and periodization takes place with daily precision. The second pop-up window shows how the amounts are calculated according to the number of days.

Pressing “Create transactions” and “Save” generates a periodized transaction:

In the second pop-up window, you can manually overwrite the amounts yourself. If, for example, you manually enter 1000 in the cell for the amount of 19.01.2023, the last cell will contain the amount with a minus.

5.4 If there is also VAT on the transaction, but you do not want it to be periodized

If the transaction includes VAT and you are periodizing the debit side, and you do not want the VAT to be periodized, enter the same account used for input VAT as the corresponding account.

As a result, the transaction will be rotated on the same account:

6. Fine-tuning

Button on the right side of the header opens the fine-tuning settings.

6. Bulk insert

You can create transaction rows in Excel and bulk insert them directly to the transaction.