
JPK VAT declaration

From 2024-08

1. Additional information

1.1. Deklaracja

1.1.1. Transport parameters


In field PARAMETER 1 you have to write the code of the unit of the tax office to which the file will be submitted.

1.1.2. Survey

For each month, you have to creat new survey document in Directo: (MAIN MENU)COMMON→DOCUMENTS→SURVEYS


1.1.3. VAT code

Other fields of the declaration must be assigned to the VAT code data fields (SETTINGS→FINANCE SETTINGS→VAT CODES)

:!: You need to have as many different VAT codes as there will be different VAT configurations.

:?: For new JPK use those datafield that the name starts with SAFT ….

:!: If the content starts with meaning P_ - information will be used for declaration. Others are for invoices

:!: If it is reverse VAT do not forget add A in Parameter

1.2. Ewidencja

1.2.1. VAT code Data fields

The information in the purchase and sale invoices section will be displayed according to the VAT codes configuration (SETTINGS→FINANCE SETTINGS→VAT CODES)

:!: You need to have as many different VAT codes as there will be different VAT configurations.

JPK values must be selected in the VAT codes data fields:

:!: If the content starts with meaning P_ - information will be used for declaration, others are for purchase and sales invoices. VAT CODES - Reverse VAT

If you use reverse VAT and want to see its information in the JPK report, in the VAT code, next to the data field with the VAT value, in the field PARAMETER, must be entered the value A

1.2.2. Document Type

:!: Invoice No. will be displayed from field Cust order

1.2.3. Sales / Purchase Invoice document datafield

:?: If you need more sales / purchase Invoice datafield pulldown posibilities, you can add it in: Sales Invoice - TypDokumentu

In transport parameter insert sales invoice datafield No. that will be used for TypDokumentu information:

Invoice document datafield No., value in field PARAMETER 1

In sales invoice datafield SAFT_TypDokumentu choose one possibility:

:?: If you don't need this information - datafield should be empty Purchase Invoice - DokumentZakupu

In transport parameter insert purchase invoice datafield No. that will be used for DokumentZakupu information:

Purchase invoices document datafield No., value in field PARAMETER 1

In purchase invoice datafield SAFT_DokumentZakupu choose one possibility:

:?: If you don't need this information - datafield should be empty

1.2.4. Customer information

Sales invoice dates in JPK reports fields DataWystawienia and DataSprzedazy are according to settings: SETTINGS → COMMON SETTINGS → TRANSPORT PARAMETERS:

:!: If PARAMETER 2 is empty = 1

:!: Sales invoice - Report filter is working according sales invoice field Date

1.2.5. Supplier information

1.3. Filters

:!: Report filter is working according sales invoice field Date

:!: If PARAMETER 2 is empty = 1

2. Generating JPK report

To use report go: (MAIN MENU)COMMON → REPORTS → CUSTOM REPORTS → JPK VAT report 202007

:?: The period for sales invoice document is checked against the invoice field Date

2.1. First file

In report you can use filters:

:!: Do not send JPK report with particular customer, customer class, supplier, supplier class information

If there is need to exclude some VAT codes then use exclamation mark. For example if you do not want that to report invoices which has 0 and 1 VAT codes, then add to VAT code filter !0,1

2.2. Second file with correction

To generate and send second file with correction (if the first one was send):

3. Znaczenia / Meanings / Reikšmės

3.1. Deklaracja

3.2. Ewidencja

3.2.1. Faktury sprzedaży / Sales invoices / Pardavimo sąskaitos

3.2.2. Faktury kupna / Purchase invoices / Pirkimo sąskaitos

Till 2020-11

1. Data preparation.

If you want to generate JPK VAT report for polish government, you have to:

JPK VAT classificators

VAT classificator should be filled in finance settings → VAT codes.

For every VAT code fill up VAT code datafields content . For example 23% sales VAT code will have two classificators K_19, K_20 (see pic.)

There should be different VAT codes for sales and purchases, except case when it should be in both sides. For example Service from EU will have 4 classificators: two for sales and two for purchase (see pic.), that means if such code will be used in purchase invoice then this invoice will appear also in sales side and vice versa.

If there is reverse VAT, then in datafield parameter additionally should be added A letter (see pic)

Dates in invoices

In sales invoices are two important date fields:
1.Date – real date when invoice was created;
2.Sent – date when invoice was sent.
First date goes to report as „DataSprzedazy” and other as „DataWystawienia”.

In purchase invoices there are:
1. Invoice date – date when invoice was entered to the system;
2. VAT date – date when VAT is calculated;
3. Issue date - date when invoice was created.
Invoice date goes to report as „DataWplywu” and Issue date goes as „DataZakupu”. VAT date is used for filtering invoices for report, if it is not filled then invoice date is used instead.

2. Generating JPK report.

To use report go: Finance → Reports → JPK VAT report.

In report you can use filters:

If there is need to exclude something then use exclamation mark. For example if you do not want that to report go invoices which has 0 and 1 VAT codes, then add to VAT code filter !0,1

In report you can choose excel file format or xml. Add filters you need, choose file format and press report button, you will get report in desired file format.