
Purchase Ledger

Purchase ledger is a report of suppliers, purchase invoices and balances at a selected time.

1. Filters and filter options

2. Choices

4. Fine tuning

5. Samples

5.1 Filtering options

5.1.1 Purchase Ledger regular report with currency option

5.1.2 Show only SEK and USD purchase invoices

For this selection divide currency codes with commas „SEK,USD“. If you want to see only USD invoices then wrote „USD“

5.1.3 Don’t show EUR and SEK purchase invoices

For this selection mark exclusion mark „!“ and add currency codes seperated with commas „!EUR,SEK“. Report shows only USD invoices. If you want exclude only SEK invoices, then wrote „!SEK“

5.1.4 Show Object „LADU“ (warehouse) overdue invoices

5.1.5 Overlaps are possible

Works with filter Total - suppliers. Only suppliers with both debt and prepayment can be filtered out.

5.2 Nettings forecast report from the Purchase Ledger

It is possible to start a tasaarveldusennustus from the purchase ledger report.