Table of Contents


Objects are persistent analytic phenomena that define some analytic characteristics set to report on. Depending on the customer's business specifics and needs, the set can be, for example

A suitable object level structure is necessary for reporting. Object moves between different modules (sales, book, etc.) in the reports. For example, looking at the income statement, it is the smallest entity. The object can be placed on: user, customer, item or item class.

object levels must be created before objects: Settings → Finance → Object levels.
Object levels are necessary so that several different levels objects can be attached to one income or expense transaction. Same level objects cannot be placed more than one at a time. For example, Store 1 cannot be located in Tallinn and Tartu at the same time.

1. Object card

1.1. Header fields

Related objects can be assigned to objects to simplify object placement and avoid false connections.


Object relations act as a object selection restriction in the matrix setter. The object matrix setter considers related objects as follows:

The objects relation is also checked when confirming documents. In case of errors, a corresponding message is given and confirmation is not successful.

2. Settings

Settings → System settings → Common settings

Settings → System settings → Finance settings

Settings → System settings → Administrator settings

3. User rights

The right to use objects can be given
Settings → Common settings → User groups → Documents Add module.
Select from How column All and give rigths to just only view or add, change and delete. Own and extended options are not in use.

4. Deleting

If the object has been used in financial transactions (including financial transactions created in all confirmed documents) and budget documents, the object cannot be deleted.