Table of Contents

Customer Balance Sheets SL

This report is used for sending balance confirmations to customers. Print layouts can be designed according to audit requirements or company's working order.

1. Filters and filtering options

2. Fine-tuning

3. Buttons

4. Sending balance sheets to customers

4.1. Mark the customers to whom the balance sheets need to be sent

4.2. Check the email address required for sending and, if necessary, create a new customer data field

4.3. Check the customer`s list to whom to send the balance sheets

4.4. Check the printout

4.5. Printout customization

If Directo's default printout Balance confirmation (with invoices) is not suitable, can order a suitable printout

4.6. Email customer`s balance confirmation

5. Customer`s balance sheets examples

5.1. Use of customer data fields

Audit balance confirmations

Special customer data fields can be created for audit. Before the next year's audit, the data fields can be deleted using the bulk import module. Data fields can be created according to the needs of your company.

For example:

All the customers to whom it is necessary to send a balance confirmation by the auditor, can be filtered out at once, sent and later mark on the customer card, when the customer has sent back the confirmed balance confirmation.

Some customers send the balance confirmation themselves. This can also be marked on the customer card.

5.2. Balance sheets for customers who have 0 balance and no turnover in the period

The Audit list sometimes includes customers, who have no turnover at all in the reporting year and the balance is 0. Such customers can be listed by marking Balance = -1.

If a turnover period is marked, all customers who have turnover in that period (also with a 0-balance) will be listed.

5.3. Balance sheets with payment schedule lines on the printout

It is possible to show installments according to the payment schedule on the balance confirmation printout.
Example of the balance confirmation section with payment schedule sums: