

Receipt is a document that records the customer's receipts. Nettings, invoice payments and prepayments can be created using receipt document. Payment files can be imported from the bank to the receipt. Receipts can be made directly and through an order. The receipt reduces customer`s balance.

1. Use

  1. From the payments register create new payment by pressing “F2-Add new” button. Fill in necessary fields. To keep the document, press “Save” button. Payment should be confirmed by pressing “Confirm” and “Save” after the data is verified.
  2. Receipt from order. Press „Receipt“ on order. A document will appear in a new window, in order to save it, it is necessary to press the „Save“ button. Document should be confirmed by pressing “Confirm” and “Save” after the data is verified.
  3. Receipt can also be created from the reports: receipt forecast and invoice list.

New design

Old view

1.1. Differences between the new Receipt document and the old Receipt document

2. Receipt buttons

2.1. Header buttons

2.2. Row buttons

3. Receipt fields

3.1. Header fields

3.2. Row fields

4. Fine-tuning

5. Receipt types

6. Receipt transactions

Usual receipt
Customer debtcredit
Customer prepaymentcredit
Deleting prepayment in an „Equal“ payment type
Customer prepaymentdebit
Customer debtcredit

Finance account for money is taken from the payment type - whether bank, cash account, netting, etc. Finance account for customer debt and prepayment are taken from the customer class or from System settings > Sale settings > Invoice debit, receipt credit; Receript customer prepayment.

7. Prepayments via PreID

These receipt rows, which do not refer to any specific sale invoice, affect the prepayment balance in the sales ledger and the customers prepayment balance in the balance sheet. Directo generates a unique prepayment ID or PreID value for each payment row with a positive prepayment sum, which can later be used to link the purchase invoice to a specific prepayment row.

In the prepayment row can use the account to which the prepayment can be entered in the balance sheet - if the account is left empty, it will be taken either from the customer's class settings in the receipt row or if no account has been specified in the customer's class, then from the system settings Receipt customer prepayments. Prepayment row object and project are used to create the transaction, whether the account is filled in the receipt line or not.

An example of a receipt where two prepayments of different sums and purposes have been received from the same customer (the picture shows only the fields important for the given topic):

New design

Old view

In the case of such a receipt is created a transaction that uses one of the bank accounts resulting from the payment method, but the prepayment is credited to two different accounts and to different objects and projects.

New design

Old view

The receipt rows identified via PreID can be linked to the invoice. To make a choice, must click on the Prepayment link in the invoice header, which opens a section on the invoice, where can see the PreID of the given customer with an usable balance.

A double-click inside any of the Selected column fields will attempt to match that specific prepayment with invoice prepayment uncovered sum.

:!: PreIDs manual selection is not mandatory! If no manual selection is made or the selected sums do not fully cover the invoice prepayment sum, selects Directo automatically the necessary IDs using the FIFO method.

In this example is selected PreID 64, where a prepayment account was used on receipt, which has not been specified in any customer class or in the system settings.

After confirming the invoice is created following transaction:

New design

Old view

The prepayment row uses the account, object and project resulting from the receipt row associated with the selected PreID.

:!: If the object was not filled in the receipt row to which the PreID refer to, is used invoice object for corresponding transaction row.

:!: If the system setting Prepayment takes object from Customer/Supplier is something other than No, the object found via PreID is not used.

To reduce the prepayment balance with the receipt, you must select a PreID with a sufficient balance to the receipt row with a negative sum to be paid. Double-click in the PreID field of the corresponding receipt row, after which the PreID placer opens.

In the given example the PreID 64 usable balance is 940 euros, even though a prepayment of 1,000 euros was initially withdrawn. The reason is that when linking the PreID with the sales invoice, 60 euros were spent from the original 1,000 euros and the usable balance is 940 euros.

8. Import from the bank

The program allows to import receipts from the internet bank. For that there is a button IMPORT SEPA EST on the receipt document.

To use this option, it is necessary to create a receipt file on the bank page and save it to computer, then make a new receipt in the program and press the button IMPORT SEPA EST. A window opens where you can insert the file saved from the bank into the program. Another window will then open asking to link the receipts to the correct invoices. Once the data has been entered into the receipt document, the same procedure as when creating a normal receipt follows.

8.1. Import of factory receipts

Swedbank customers can import factoring invoices receipts into Directo. XML files with two different descriptions can be reflected (reserves and advances) and upon import the receipt rows are created according to the content of the file.

The functionality purpose is that the sum received does not have to be manually entered by invoice in Directo and that the sum indicated in the „Fee“ field could be posted to different accounts.

To import factoring invoices receipts from the bank is necessary to create a new payment mode in Finance settings > Payment modes which Export type is SWED factoring.

It is possible to set an account to the Bank services field to where the Fee sum indicated upon receipt is posted. If the account is left empty in the payment method, the Banking services (transfers etc.) account specified in the System setting is used.

After setting the payment method a button IMPORT SWED factoring appears on the saved receipt, under which you can import the file saved from the bank into the program.

New design

Old view

If the advance and reserve receipts service fees (commission fee, interest) are to be posted differently, must be made different payment methods with corresponding accounts in the Banking services fields. The program detects the receipts payments modes automatically.

If it is LIST_ADV_BUYER, then the values ​​for receipt are found in the following fields:
Comment ⇒ PmtNr
Date ⇒ PmtDate
Invoice ⇒ InvNo
Bank sum ⇒ InvAdvCalc
Fee ⇒ InvComm + InvCommVat

If it is LIST_RES_BUYER, then the values ​​for receipt are found in the following fields:
Comment ⇒ PmtNr
Date ⇒ PmtDate
Invoice ⇒ InvNo
Bank sum ⇒ InvResCalc
Fee ⇒ InvInterest

9. Placing several invoices in a row

Double click on the invoice number cell, opens the list of invoices. Activate the Multiple record paster (the window does not close) under ”Settings“

10. Refund to the customer

Refunds can be made directly to the customer from Directo. Convenient for incorrect receipts, prepayments, deposits. The bank account to which the money is to be transferred is marked either on the credit invoice or customer card or directly on the receipt document.

For successful refund export :

New design

Old view

11. Examples

11.1. System setting - Finance transactions from ledgers in rows

Receipt document

11.1.1. Finance transaction with options NO - Finance transactions from ledgers in rows

Money flow ja Accounts Receivable are a cumulative total.

11.1.2. Option DEBT PART - Finance transactions from ledgers in rows

The money flow is in the cumulative total and the ledger side is by invoice rows, at the beginning of each row is the number of the sales invoice.

11.1.3. Option ASSET PART TOO - Finance transactions from ledgers in rows

Money flow and Accounts Receivable are on separate rows in transaction, at the beginning of each row is the sales invoice number.

11.1.4. Options like PAYMENT FILE - Finance transactions from ledgers in rows

Money flow is cumulative total by customer and the credit side is on separate invoice rows, at the beginning of each row is the sales invoice number.

12. Receipt of sales invoice in currency ON THE NEW "RECEIPT" DOCUMENT

12.1. Full receipt of the sales invoice in the currency

If the sales invoice is not in the base currency, then there will be an exchange rate difference in receipt. It is necessary to follow the next rules in order for the exchange rate transactions to be correct. The following system settings accounts are used in the examples:

12.1.1. Receipt of the sales invoice in the same currency

Receipt document:
New design

The finance transaction is created after receipt confirmation:

12.1.2. Receipt of the sales invoice in the base currency (EUR) exactly at the central bank rate of the day

Receipt document:
New design

The finance transaction is created after receipt confirmation:

12.1.3. Receipt of the sales invoice in the base currency (EUR) not at the central bank rate of the day

Needs to be indicated on receipt: (NB! Given order is important):

Receipt document:
New design

The finance transaction is created after receipt confirmation:

12.1.4. Receipt of a currency sales invoice in another currency (not in the base currency) with exact daily central bank rate

Receipt document:
New design

The finance transaction is created after receipt confirmation:

12.1.5. Receipt of a currency sales invoice in another currency (not in the base currency) not at the central bank rate

Needs to be indicated on receipt: (NB! Given order is important):

Receipt document:
New design

The finance transaction is created after receipt confirmation:

12.1.6. Prepayment from the customer in currency

Receipt document:
New design

The finance transaction is created after receipt confirmation:

12.2. Partial receipt of the invoice in the currency

12.2.1. Partial receipt of an invoice in the same currency

Receipt document:
New design

The finance transaction is created after receipt confirmation: