Table of Contents

Sales Ledger

Sales ledger is a report, that shows customers, invoices and balance reports in chosen time period. It is possible to export the information into Excel and the reports can be saved.

1. Filters and filter options


2. Choices

:!: Write the text (or edit the text), leave the cell with the mouse, click on the coloured surface of the report and the text will be saved.

:!: If the right to change ´´customers´´ module is removed, the option to ´´edit´´ the sales ledger will disappear. If you have this right and the edit box is checked, can write a comment after the customer int comment in the report, which is saved automatically.

4. Fine tuning




5. Examples

5.1 Filtering options

5.1.1. Sales Ledger regular report with currency option


5.1.2. Show only SEK and USD invoices

For this separate currency codes with commas without space „SEK,USD“. If you want to see only USD invoices then write „USD“


:!: Filtering with “comma” works also with Customer salesman/Invoice salesman.

5.1.3. Don’t show EUR and SEK invoices

For this selection use exclusion mark „!“ and add currency codes separated with commas. For example insert „!EUR,SEK“ and the report shows only USD invoices. If you want to exclude only SEK invoices, then insert „!SEK“


:!: Filtering with exclusion mark “!” works also with option Customer salesman/Invoice salesman.

5.1.4. Date added and Currency selected

Gives the report a balance divided between currencies and calculates prepayments with the currency rate, unpaid payments and balance.


5.1.5. Date not added and currency selected

Gives the report all the balance dividend between currencies and calculates prepayments with today’s currency rate, unpaid payments and balance.


5.1.6 Overlaps are possible

Works with filter Total - customers. Only customers with both debt and prepayment can be filtered out.

Picture (10)

5.2. Using the customer's internal comment

The customer's internal comment field has been added to the sales ledgers. It can be used as needed.

As an option, information on overdue invoices when customers are called or the customer's written answers to reminders are written here.

Often, long-term debtors are the same customers to whom reminders are sent and calls are made every week. The answers are mostly the same - “we expect to receive a large order ourselves”, etc.…). You can now see such information directly from the sales ledger.

5.2.1. Add a customer debt comment to sales ledgers

Picture (11)

Also visible when grouped by customers.
Picture (12)

:!: If there is no change option, the user does not have the right to change the client card. Picture (13)

5.2.2. The customer's internal comment can be viewed without the possibility to change it

Picture (14)

5.3 Payment schedule information

If the invoice is received based on a payment schedule, the payment schedule note is added to the end of the invoice data.

Picture (15)