Choose direction - allows you to pre-create templates
Cash directions → Cash Out, which describes the payment methods from where the money moves. The pre-filled cash in template speeds up the filling of the cash document.
Location - the IP address for creating the receipt document
Number - document number. When making new document range code is shown there. The right range can be selected By double-clicking or with Ctrl+Enter.
Date - the date of the document, by right-clicking opens the calendar view
Object - object used in accounting calculation. Using objects is not mandatory, except when objects are already in use and there is a need to link the received money to a specific object. Selection of objects can be opened with double click or “Ctrl” + “Enter” combination.
Credit mode - must be selected Bank with a double click.
Pay mode - A field where it is shown from which cash register the money is taken out. With double-click or “Ctrl” + “Enter” it's possible to select from payment mode list. Each store has its own cash condition and it is also used on the cash out order.
Project - project code. This is used in case where cash out order needs to be connected with certain project. When entering a project, the document is reflected in the project reports. Selection of projects can be opened with double click or “Ctrl” + “Enter” combination.
User - user code who created the cash out order. Automatically filled in when creating a document. Possible to change.
Supplier - supplier code. Can be selected from suppliers registry by double click or with “Ctrl” + “Enter” combination. If the customer card is filled in correctly, the fields Name, Street, City, Postal code, Country will be filled in automatically.
Name - supplier`s name
Street, Postal code, City and Country - supplier's legal or business address fields.
Description - an informative cell, where can enter the necessary information.
Comment - an informative cell, where can enter the necessary information.
Document - an informative cell, where can enter the necessary information.
Currency - if the cash out is in foreign currency, then by double-clicking or pressing Ctrl + Enter opens currency list, where can choose an appropriate currency
Rate - current exchange rate of the selected currency
Subtotal - sum of cash out
Base currency - the field appears after entering the sum