Table of Contents

Expense due

The Expense due document is created to compensate the expenses made by the employees.

Expense due can be initiated

1) Directly from the expense document by pressing on Expense due - when creating a payment from the expense document the pre-filled expense due card will open.

2) From registry Finance - Documents - Expense due, by pressing Add new.

3) If there are a lot of expenses, the expense due can be created in Finance - Reports - Expender Report.

Enter the right period, select confirmed from the Confirm cell and empty from the Status cell. By pressing the Create expense due button, a pre-filled expense due document opens.

1. Expense due buttons

1.1. Unconfirmed expense due header buttons

Old view

New design

1.2. Confirmed expense due header buttons

Old view

New design

2. Expense due fields

Old view

New design

2.1. Header fields

2.2. Row fields