

:!: Netting is not performed if the supplier is not associated with the customer on the supplier's card. The rule also applies if the supplier and the customer have the same registration number !

Netting locates Finance > Documents > Netting.

The netting document is intended for settlements between invoices, purchase invoices and prepayments with the same customer and supplier balance.

The netting document assumes that the supplier and the customer are related. For this the Client cell must be filled in on the supplier's card.

Differences between the new "Netting" document and the old "Netting" document

Adding a netting document

If the netting document is not visible in the main menu, you must add it yourself. Add a new document to the user group who will use this document Settings - Common settings - User groups

To select the right, double-click or press Ctrl+Enter in the Module field. In the How column can determine the rights extent in the corresponding module

1. Netting buttons

Old view

New design

2. Netting fields

2.1. Header fields

Old view

New design

2.1. Row fields

Old view

The document rows have columns under the first button:

Under the second button of the document rows are shown additional columns of currency rate differences:

New design

Column Invoices

Column Currencies

3. Netting in currency

The sums of purchase invoices and sales invoices and their difference are calculated in the header of the document. The sums must be entered in the netting document rows so that the difference in the header is zero.

If the document rows have documents only in EUR (i.e. the base currency), then the sums in the header are calculated only in euros.
Old view - if there are documents in another currency on the netting document rows, then additional columns appear next to the base currency sums in the header to show total sums in the corresponding currency.

New design - if there are documents in another currency on the netting document rows, then in the Currencies tab will appear rows with the sums of all currencies.

Confirming the netting document creates a financial transaction according to the purchase and sales invoice headers financial accounts as if a payment/receipt transaction has been made. There is no need to use an intermediate account. If prepayments balances are added to the netting, they are posted in the same way as prepayments are recorded on receipts or payments. The exchange rate differences are recorded to the accounts specified in the system settings Foreign exchange gain (Sales, Purchase) and Foreign exchange loss (Sales, Purchase).

Old view

New design


4. Giving a warning about the customer's debt when making payments

In order to avoid situations, where a supplier is paid for a purchase invoice, while at the same time this supplier also owes you as a client, an additional system setting has been added in the Payment settings block: On payment warns about client unpaid invoices - NO/YES. This setting is recommended to set YES.

If this setting is set to YES, when the supplier's invoice is set for payment (including via the Payment Forecast report), the following warning will be displayed on the screen, and the user can then decide if they want to make this payment or if they want to make a netting instead.

Old view

New design

5. Linking the supplier card to the customer

6. Examples

6.1. Placing multiple documents

To place several purchase or sales invoices to the netting document must fill in the setting Multiple record paster (window stays open) in the purchase and sales invoices browser.

New design :!: Multiple record paster - under development, currently not working.

The multiple record paster works on the netting document only if the customer and supplier codes are filled.

Old view

6.2. How can I send an English printout of the netting document? ?

The required printout can be sent by pressing the printout button. Language sensitivity does not work here i.e. it is not enough if the supplier has the ENG language marked on the supplier's card - an ENG printout cannot be sent automatically.
Create printouts in Estonian and English in Print layouts → Netting and add the desired printouts to the Netting document - add Buttons.

Printout buttons are visible both on unconfirmed and confirmed documents.

Old view

New design