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The companies structure by departments can be set up under departments.

Departments setting Settings → PERSONNEL SETTINGS→ Departments

To add new department press Add new.

Fill in the card

Fields to be completed

Code- enter the code for the department. It is displayed in reports and on the personnel card.

Name- full name of the department

Superior- a superior can be assigned for a department and this value is taken into account also in the system settings “Manager can open its subordinate cards and reports with the own right”.

Weekday working hours- possible to enter department-based hours by day.

Work schedule items- possible to add department-based schedule items. Standard hours are taken into account according to them, if it is not recommended that standard hours be calendar.

Jobs- total number of added jobs.

Fee- total fee assigned for the jobs.

From and Until- possible to determine the validity of the department. If the validity of the department is in the past, the personnel card will show the department in red in the user data

County- department location by counties

Reserv cost- if is used Directo holiday reserve calculation, then the department based cost account can be entered here.

Reserv liability- if is used Directo holiday reserve calculation, then the department based liability account can be entered here.

Master- for example, if several departments belong to one region, it is possible to create a master department region and assign that region as master for all departments in that region.

Colour- department colour in reports

Order- by default are displayed in reports in code order, but if is wanted different order, then is possible to enter numeric values to the fields according the departments are ordered in the reports.


Lisatabelisse on võimalik sisestada osakonda eelarvestatud ametikohtade arvu ja vastava ametikoha tasu. Sellest tabelist võtab “Tööjõu struktuur” aruanne eelarve tulpadesse andmed.

Position code- possible to choose a position from the position register

Jobs- enter the number of jobs provided in that department

Fee- fee assigned for one job

From ja Until- this row validity

Description- text field


Lisatabelisse on võimalik sisestada osakonna aadresse sellise täpsusega nagu on oluline.

Code: aadressi/asukoha kood, mida saab käsitsi sisestada.

Street: tekstiväli

House: tekstiväli

Appartment: tekstiväli

Koha nimi: tekstiväli

Sihtnumber: tekstiväli

Linn/Vald: tekstiväli

Maakond: tekstiväli

Kasutatakse nt. põhivara ja väikevahendi kaardil Asukoha koodide kasutamine .

en/osakond.1649308750.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/04/07 08:19 by triinp